Discipleship – We learn to love and obey Jesus and help others do the same.
What is a disciple?
– A disciple is a follower of Jesus.
How do we follow Jesus?
– By loving and obeying him.
How does the gospel both free and motivate us to love and obey Jesus?
– We are saved by grace, not works
– We respond to God’s rich love
– We do good to honor God, not to serve ourselves
In Matthew 28:1-10, how do the women follow Jesus?
In Matthew 28:11-15, how do the soldiers respond to the angel?
In Luke 24:9-12 and John 20:19-20, how do the eleven follow Jesus?
What can we learn from each example, the women, the soldiers, and the eleven?
Read Matthew 28:16-20
How do the eleven respond to Jesus when they see him on the mountain?
– Some worship
– Some doubt
How does this comfort us in our faith journeys?
If this discussion comes up, for proof that more than just the eleven were present at the Great Commission, see how the angels and Jesus spoke to the women (Matt 28:1-10) and how Jesus appeared to Peter and then the 500 (John 21, 1 Cor 15:6).
What does Jesus do to comfort his followers?
– He draws near to them (“Jesus came”)
– He says all authority has been given to him
In Daniel 7:13-14 What authority has been given to Jesus?
How does the authority of Christ give us confidence in our own life and ministry?
Our Cornerstone mission is “To make, mature, and multiply followers of Jesus”. We see this mission reflected in the Great Commission. If Jesus’s command to “make disciples” can be broken into three parts (make, mature, multiply), where do we see this reflected in the verse?
Make followers = “…baptizing them in the name…”
Mature followers = “…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Multiply followers = “Therefore go…” or “As you’re going…”
How can we individually and corporately:
1) Make followers of Jesus?
2) Mature followers of Jesus?
3) Multiply followers of Jesus?
Why don’t we need to be afraid of this Great Commission?
– Because Jesus says, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
*Close by praying for Cornerstone to make, mature, and multiply followers of Jesus. Also pray that we would each take personal responsibility for this calling.