This service will not be broadcast on Facebook Live, but we invite those staying at home to join us over Zoom. You can access the Zoom info through our Facebook Page or Group.
Welcome & Invocation
Today is a time to pray, praise, confess, lament, and share stories of God’s faithfulness.
Jesus Loves Me (Kids’ Song)
Dismissal of children downstairs.
Song (Request)
Intercessory Prayer
Prayer requests then the pastor prays.
Song (House of the Lord)
Psalm 103 – Psalm of Praise
These Psalms call us to worship and remind us why God is worthy of praise.
Opportunity to Respond
The congregation has the opportunity to share a praise, encouragement, scripture, or however the Holy Spirit leads.
Song (Request)
Psalm 42 – Psalm of Lament (Part 1)
Psalms of lament help us express our fears, frustrations, and failures before God.
Opportunity to Respond
The congregation has the opportunity to share a disappointment or sorrow from this past year, to mourn, and to lay hurts before the Lord.
Psalm 43 – Psalm of Lament (Part 2)
Close lament time by reading the second half of the lament.
Song (Lord I Need You)
Psalm 51 – Psalm of Confession
God invites us to come and confess our sins to him. Now is an opportunity to confess our sins silently, or if needed, publicly before our church family. Jesus assures us of his pardon.
Opportunity to Respond
The congregation has the opportunity to confess silently and publicly.
The Lord’s Prayer (All)
Corporate praying of the Lord’s Prayer.
Song (Request)
Psalm 18:1-19 – Psalm of Thanksgiving
Let’s close our time by thanking God for Jesus, the good news of salvation, and however we feel blessed this year. Let’s bless the Lord for all the ways he has blessed us.
Opportunity to Respond
The congregation has the opportunity to thank God for his many blessings and to bless the Lord.
Song (Request)
Benediction – Jude 1:24-25
The pastor blesses us as we close.