Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 15)

Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 15)

Thank You for Your Service

I spent the first 10 years of my career in the U.S. Navy. Since that time, on several occasions after telling someone about my history, someone would say, “Thank you for your service.” I was always honored to hear it, and humbled too. As I’ve reflected on this, it strikes me how little I thank people for something. For example, when I check out at the grocery store, I may exchange “Thank you’s” with the person behind the counter. This…

January 4th, 2022 – Cornerstone Covid Safety Update

The health and safety of our Cornerstone community is of utmost importance to us. Therefore we are closely monitoring the COVID statistics and will be prepared to take any measures necessary to keep us safe. Currently, this includes requiring anyone aged 5 or older to wear a mask when inside the church building. We also have set the seats in the sanctuary in groupings of 2, 3, 4, and 5, set 6 feet apart, to encourage families to sit together…

New Year’s Resolution – Connecting My Goals to God’s Mission

I’ve always been a fan of New Year’s. I’m not necessarily talking about the big events like they do in Times Square (although I do like to watch the ball drop on TV!). No, for me it’s all about the ‘new’ – the possibilities that it brings. A new year is a chance to make changes, to do something different, to be different. So, as you might imagine, I have made a few resolutions over the years. As I’ve started…

Frontline Redeployment: 3 Truths for When God Sends us Someplace New

Over the course of my life, I’ve had a few occasions where God has ‘redeployed’ me to a new frontline – in fact, since I began my career in the Navy, many of these were actual redeployments! Sometimes we welcome these changes. For example, I was really excited when I was heading off to college and about to embark on that new adventure. Other redeployments are not as welcome. Several years ago, when I learned that my team was going…

Collaborative Church Service – Psalms of Praise, Lament, Confession & Thanksgiving (12/26/21)

This service will not be broadcast on Facebook Live, but we invite those staying at home to join us over Zoom. You can access the Zoom info through our Facebook Page or Group. Welcome & Invocation Today is a time to pray, praise, confess, lament, and share stories of God’s faithfulness. Jesus Loves Me (Kids’ Song) Dismissal of children downstairs. Song (Request) Intercessory Prayer Prayer requests then the pastor prays. Song (House of the Lord) Psalm 103 – Psalm of…

Worshipful Shopping: Honoring God at Checkout

As I was waiting in line to buy something a few weeks back, I asked myself, “What does it mean to worship God here?” I’m not sure about you, but there are few places I find less worshipful than standing in line waiting to check out. Instead, I just want to get through the line as quickly as possible, and get to the next item on my to-do list! But the reality is that the checkout line is just as…

Worship Leaders Needed / Whole-Life Worship

If your church is typical, you’ll have at least one person who is designated as a ‘worship leader.’  While the responsibilities of this individual vary from church to church, it often includes welcoming the congregation, offering prayers, and inviting everyone to sing songs in adoration to Jesus. As one of the lay leaders in my congregation, over the past year I’ve had the privilege and responsibility to do this.  It has been an honor to be able to lead the…

Faithful to the End – John Stott’s Last Week

When we talk about ‘whole-life discipleship’, often what we are referring to is every aspect of our lives – our work, play, volunteering, etc.  In other words, how can we live for Christ every day of the week.  But it also means every phase of our lives.  For example, living as a whole-life disciple will look very different for a freshman in college, as compared to someone in mid-life, or someone who’s recently retired. I recently heard someone share a…