Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 17)

Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 17)

Grief & Hope: Christian Books and Music for when a Loved One Dies

With the recent passing of my dad, I’ve been processing by reading books on death and listening to music that helps me grieve and worship. But even as I experience loss, those around me are losing their loved ones as well. This is why I am sharing some of the books and songs I’ve come across as a way to help (music playlist below). The books focus more on grieving the loss of brothers and sisters in Christ than those…

How to Abide in Christ / Ways to Commune with God (Book Recommendation)

As a follow-up to Sunday’s sermon the encouragement to abide in Christ, I’d like to share this book called “With: Reimaging the Way You Relate to God” by Skye Jethani. First, he talks about how we relate to god, typically one of four ways. Here’s an excerpt: Am I a sinner—a despicable being, living under the constant threat of God’s wrath and punishment, who must appease his will through strict obedience to moral and ritual commands (LIFE UNDER GOD)? Am…

Commissioned for the Frontline (Everyday Ministry Matters)

Can you imagine a business where 70% of the employees can’t connect how their daily work contributes to the company’s overall mission? If that were the case, odds are that business would soon be out of business! Yet sadly that’s the state of the church in America today. According to recent research by Barna, “70% of Christians do not see how their work serves God’s purposes.” Yet 93% of pastors have said that helping their people integrate their faith and…