Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 28)

Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 28)

Prayer for Trunk or Treat – Day 1: Thy Kingdom Come

The annual Trunk-or-Treat outreach event is upon us.  To prepare for this event, the Outreach Team is inviting everyone to join in intercessory prayers for the next 8 days leading up to the event on 10/26 at 12-2pm.  If you are called to fast, please do so. Please be on the look out for the daily prayer email starting tomorrow, 10/19.  It is a great opportunity to fill the role of our calling as a royal priesthood by offering our intercessory prayers on behalf of Cornerstone, Westford and the…

Congregational Communion

Attached you can find the call and response reading and prayers from when we took the Lord’s Supper together in September. Take a moment to review it as we prepare our hearts to take communion together this coming Sunday.

Lucas Pender: A Personal Relationship with God

Hello, my name is Lucas Pender and this is my first year at Camp TED. I’m 15 years old and live outside of Boston, Massachusetts. I grew up in a Christian home and always knew about Jesus or at least heard His name. I always went to church on Sundays, prayed to God, and knew all the answers in Sunday school. I remember my Sunday school teacher teaching us about heaven and hell and I knew for a fact that…

Fall 2019 Christian Education Classes

Check out our Christian Education offerings this fall. Starts September 15th 2019 from 9:00 till 10:00am Sunday mornings at Cornerstone. If you want to learn more about our Proverbs Review class click here.

Adult Christian Education Plan – Scope & Sequence

Our Adult Christian Education plan shows what we want to teach and when we intend to teach it. Educators might call this our scope and sequence. Our desire for this plan is to move each one of us further along in our journey towards Christ through the study of God’s Word (Bible), through engaging our hearts and minds (Internal Journey), and through putting into practice our Christian faith in our everyday lives (External Journey). The plan is meant to be flexible but…

Youth Discipleship Plan – Scope & Sequence

Parents of our youth, please check out our attached Youth Discipleship Plan. This is what teachers might call a scope and sequence. Scope covers what we’re teaching and sequence covers when we are hoping to teach it. The plan is meant to be flexible but also to give us a structure to work with. We will be touching on these topics during our Sunday morning Christian Education Hour and at our midweek Youth Bible Study. We look forward to discipling your teens…

Fall 2019 – Proverbs Review

Our adult Christian Education offering this fall is a sermon discussion class. The goal of this class is twofold: To dive more deeply into the book of Proverbs; and  To apply what we’re learning from the sermons to our everyday lives.  We will re-read through the previous week’s Bible passage(s) and each week Pastor Jonathan will lead us through a discussion of questions like: What was last week’s sermon about?……. What did the Lord use to encourage you?……. What did…

We’re Moving Our Weekly Church Service to Sunday Mornings at 10:15am

Cornerstone Congregational Church at 32 Graniteville Rd is changing its weekly worship service from Saturdays at 5:00pm to Sundays from 10:15 till 11:30am starting September 8th, 2019. We’re kicking off the day with a free  continental breakfast-type foods potluck at 9:00am. If you can’t bring anything, come anyways! All are welcome! Please come out to our big Sunday launch on September 8th! On September 15th we are launching a Christian Education hour at 9:00am. 

The Lord’s Day: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Foundations for Sunday Worship by Terry Iles

On September 8th 2019 we are transitioning our Saturday at 5:00pm worship service to Sundays at 9:30am. We are doing this to more fully emphasize discipleship in the life of our church body. As we prayerfully considered making this decision one of our past Elders, Terry Iles, wrote a thoughtful paper on his convictions regarding worshipping on Sundays. We encourage you to read it below and to also check out Saturday Worship Explained, an article we originally published in 2016…

We’re changing our weekly worship service from Saturday evenings to Sunday mornings on September 8th 2019

We are changing our weekly worship service from Saturdays at 5:00pm to Sunday mornings starting Sunday September 8th. Although we are still working out the timing of the Sunday morning worship service and Christian education time here is the initial announcement the Elders read on Saturday, July 13th 2019 after the worship service. It also includes a general plan (i.e., scope and sequence) for our youth and adult Christian education time.

Special Announcement – This Saturday (7/13) After Church

Dear Church Family,  The Elders would like to invite all of our members and attenders to stay after the church service this Saturday to hear a special announcement in the sanctuary followed by a brief time of Q&A. There’s no need to bring a meal and we won’t be providing childcare. For those unable to attend please check your email Saturday evening for more details. We look forward to sharing this time with you.  In Christ, Mark Pender, Chairman John…

2018-2019 Final Preaching Plan

Here is the final preaching plan from the 2018-2019 Cornerstone ministry year, beginning in September 2018 and ending in June 2019. You can find the current preaching plan here.