Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 34)

Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 34)

CCCC Statement of Faith, Statement of Polity, and Code of Ethics for Churches

Cornerstone Congregational Church is a member of the CCCC, the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference. Every year the CCCC sends out the CCCC Statement of Faith, CCCC Statement of Polity, and CCCC Code of Ethics for Churches and asks each church to reaffirm their commitment to them. The Elders have already taken care of reaffirming them, but we would appreciate it if you would personally take the time to read and think through each of the three items to make sure…

Melanie Obear: They told my parents I was the “Devil’s child.”

I grew up in a Christian home, went to a church and all that, but did not understand a lot of what was happening. There were people that came into our life that told my parents I was the “Devil’s child” and my parents made me get rid of all my pictures and record albums… Listen to the audio or read below the rest of Melanie’s faith story.

John 6 Communion Reflection

We find in the book of John that while Jesus was teaching, He talked about His body and His blood. He was trying to tell them that He was the manna that God sent when the people were in the desert. He was saying that He would save His people. But his audience the Jewish people got upset. They knew that eating flesh and drinking blood was an abomination. But here, Jesus was talking about being one with Him. This was…