Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 40)
Advent Reading Week 3: Joy To The World
Please enjoy Cornerstone Congregational Church’s reading for the third week of Advent, the joy candle. Thank you Kathy Harwood for writing this reflection. For other Cornerstone Christmas Advent Readings click here.
Jon Harwood: I Hit Rock Bottom
Hello my name is Jon Harwood, I have a wonderful wife named Kathy and 3 amazing children, Sidney, Riley and JT and we all live in Groton Massachusetts. My story of faith starts as a teenager, I went to church with my Aunt and Uncle and my cousin about once per month. Unfortunately I missed the message of grace and only heard the message of hell for sinners and as a teenager I made a lot of mistakes. So I…
Advent Reading Week 2: Peace Has Come
Please enjoy Cornerstone Congregational Church’s reading for the second week of Advent, the peace candle. Thank you Kathy Harwood for writing this reflection. For other Cornerstone Christmas Advent Readings click here.
Advent Reading Week 1: Christ is the Hope of the World
Please enjoy Cornerstone Congregational Church’s reading for the first week of Advent, the hope candle. Thank you Kathy Harwood for writing this reflection. For other Cornerstone Christmas Advent Readings click here.
Upcoming Big Days – December 16th & December 24th
December 16th is a the start of a New Sermon Series, Discipleship of Luke, here at Cornerstone, and December 24th is our Christmas Eve Service. Join us this Advent Season, and bring your friends!
Taking the Lord’s Supper in an Unworthy Manner
Today I’m starting our communion by reciting the Words of Institution. They are the words the Apostle Paul uses to explain the Lord’s Supper, which we continue to use today. 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in…
Cornerstone Connect – December 2017
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