Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 43)

Posts by Cornerstone Staff (Page 43)

Announcing Cornerstone Autonomy!

Jesus said to his disciple Peter in Matthew 16:18b, “…I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (NIV®) Here Christ promises to push back Satan through the ministry and mission of his bride, the church. Today, we’re happy to announce Christ is continuing to build his church. As of Wednesday, July 19th 2017, Cornerstone Congregational Church has transitioned from being a ministry of Immanuel Church in Chelmsford to becoming our own legally autonomous church.…

The Lord’s Supper: Body & Blood

As we approach communion today I want us to focus on the body and the blood of Jesus Christ, and how he sacrificed those for us. You’ve heard about his sacrifice. It’s something we talk about every time we celebrate communion, but have you really thought about what it means for Jesus to sacrifice his body and blood for you? Take one of your hands, and feel your skin. Touch your arm, pinch it, rub it. Do you feel your…

Book Recommendation: Know What You Believe by Paul Little

We’re kicking off a new sermon series at Cornerstone, What We Believe. As part of this series, I encourage you to read a copy of Know What You Believe by Paul E. Little. It comes to me as a highly recommended book that explains the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. This is especially important if you are a new or growing Christian, but it’s a beneficial review for more mature Christians as well. The book’s description says: What does…