Elders & Deacons
Women in the Kingdom Sermon Series Announcement
Dear church, This Sunday, March 20, I am excited to share that we will begin a new sermon series entitled, Women in the Kingdom. In this 6-10 week series we will study God’s perfect plan for men and women as experienced pre-fall and as will be experienced after the second coming, the post-fall (historical and current) condition of women in the church, and God’s heart towards women as seen through the arc of Scripture. We will also dive into several…
Pastor Sam Kim’s Paper on the Ordination of Women
Pastor Sam Kim of Intercultural Mission Church in North Andover wrote a paper on women in ministry, focusing specifically on pastoral ordination, which he has given us permission to share. In it he works to build a bridge between the complementarians and egalitarians. You can find that paper attached below. You can also click this link to hear Pastor Sam preach, or click this link if you’d like to read his testimony of healing from racial trauma. Thank you Pastor Sam…
We’re changing our weekly worship service from Saturday evenings to Sunday mornings on September 8th 2019
We are changing our weekly worship service from Saturdays at 5:00pm to Sunday mornings starting Sunday September 8th. Although we are still working out the timing of the Sunday morning worship service and Christian education time here is the initial announcement the Elders read on Saturday, July 13th 2019 after the worship service. It also includes a general plan (i.e., scope and sequence) for our youth and adult Christian education time.
Book Recommendation: Church Membership by Jonathan Leeman
At Cornerstone, we believe in local church membership (e.g., see our Church Covenant). The Board of Elders is reading through and discussing Church Membership: How The World Knows Who Represents Jesus by Jonathan Leeman. This book, from the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series, gives a clear explanation of what church membership is, where we see it in the Bible, and why it matters for us today. Please pick up and read a copy. Another helpful article is 6 Reasons Why…
Book Recommendation: Church Elders by Jeramie Rinne
We ask each one of our Elders to read Church Elders: How To Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus by Jeramie Rinne. This book, from the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series, gives a brief but thorough explanation of the role of Elder in the church, and what Elders are called to do. As an Elder-Led church, we believe we all need to understand who Elders are and what they do, so if you have any question about Elders, I encourage you to pick…
Women Deacons at Cornerstone
Can women serve as Deacons in the church? Although Cornerstone limits the role of Elders to men, we fully support women and men serving as Deacons, as shown in our Philosophy of Ministry. Please read the Cornerstone Board of Elder’s interpretation of 1 Timothy 3:11 to find out why.
Elder Installation Vows
Cornerstone is an Elder-Led Church. Because of this, we take the time to thoroughly assess, pray for, and commission each one of our new Elders. As we welcome new Elders onto the board, we recognize them publicly in one of our church services through an Elder Installation. This includes an explanation of what it means to be an Elder-Led church, and vows taken by them and the congregation. Please read all three below. The vows are adapted from Finding Faithful Elders…