Discipleship (Page 16)

Discipleship (Page 16)

Special Announcement – This Saturday (7/13) After Church

Dear Church Family,  The Elders would like to invite all of our members and attenders to stay after the church service this Saturday to hear a special announcement in the sanctuary followed by a brief time of Q&A. There’s no need to bring a meal and we won’t be providing childcare. For those unable to attend please check your email Saturday evening for more details. We look forward to sharing this time with you.  In Christ, Mark Pender, Chairman John…

2018-2019 Final Preaching Plan

Here is the final preaching plan from the 2018-2019 Cornerstone ministry year, beginning in September 2018 and ending in June 2019. You can find the current preaching plan here.

Pornography Blocking & Internet Accountability Services

We live in a day and age full of constant temptations. If you or your family need online protection for your laptops, phones, or digital devices consider subscribing to one of the following services: Covenant Eyes http://www.covenanteyes.com/  X3 Watch https://x3watch.com/  Net Nanny https://www.netnanny.com If this is an area of struggle for you, we strongly encourage you to reach out to your pastor, an elder, or a trusted friend. We don’t want you to go through this alone. Let us walk…

Funeral Worksheet – Plan Your Own Christian Funeral

As a follow-up to Pastor Jonathan’s sermon, A Good and Faithful Death, please prayerfully think through and answer these questions: Do you want to be buried or cremated? Where do you want to be buried? What’s the goal of your funeral? What Bible passages would you like read or preached on?  What hymns or songs would you like sung or played? Who do you want to do your funeral? Are there any other specifics? If you would like to do…

Grace, Justice, & Mercy with Bryan Stevenson and Timothy Keller

In May 2016 Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City hosted an evening discussion on race, grace, and the church with Bryan Stevenson and Pastor  Timothy Keller. I’m sharing this as a follow-up to our recent series, God of Justice. I hope you’ll take the time to listen to both sessions to further our discussion of this important topic. While you may fully agree with everything you hear, or you may come to different conclusions, both are a worthwhile listen.…

Reconciliation Preparation Worksheet

So you want to be reconciled to that person you’re in conflict with? Great! In preparation for your upcoming reconciliation meeting please think through, pray over, and respond to each of the following questions: Goal – What are my goals for this meeting? What am I trying to achieve by meeting with this person or people? What’s my purpose? What do I hope to walk away with? Are there any Bible passages that are helping you process this in a…

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting Church Guide

Introduction What is fasting? Fasting is when you deny yourself good things, things you enjoy and go to for comfort, for a period of time so that you can use that hunger to intentionally draw near to God. Prayer and fasting can be an act of repentance and confession (Nehemiah 9:1-2; Joel 2:12-13); an intentional calling out for God’s deliverance and direction (2 Chronicles 20:2-4; Esther 4:16); and most of all a time of longing for Christ Jesus and his…

A Garden Eulogy for Ernest Peterson

Ernest loved to garden. I have this memory of him that could be from one occasion or a combination of them, but the memory is him coming in through his back door from the garden. He’s wearing a small cap, a gardening apron that’s brown with dirt, he’s holding his gloves in one hand, his back is still bent from weeding and old age, but he has a grin on his face. He is happy. He’s been in his garden…