Discipleship (Page 24)
Will God Hold Me Accountable For How I Vote?
Every election well-meaning Christians encourage each other to vote. The encouragement usually sounds a little bit like this, “I believe that one day everyone will have to give an account to God for how we vote.” The implication is that every Christian needs to vote for the right politicians, ballot issues, and values, or one day God will hold them accountable for voting wrong. I confess that I have given this encouragement, and I’m now convinced this view, not necessarily…
The Legacy of a Disciple-Maker
ODE TO A MENTOR My mentor’s name is David. We met at a local pastor’s gathering where he took voluntary interest in me. I needed a mentor and he wanted to make disciples by caring for the next generation of pastors. For the next year and a half, David poured into me. He taught me the importance of sharing life stories, hunting one other’s sin, and giving each other grace. 1. We shared life stories together. One of the first…
Why Traditions, Creeds, and Catechisms Matter for Today’s Church
The church I grew up in raised me to love the Bible and all its stories, but didn’t talk much about tradition, or the historic creeds, confessions, and catechisms. I learned the Bible every week, but I was missing out on what my spiritual grandparents had to offer me. It wasn’t until seminary that the significance of what came before me began to sink in. That’s when I discovered my need for what I like to call extra-biblical humility. This…
Cornerstone Connect: October 2016
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Faith Stories Explained
In 1st Peter 3:15, the Apostle Peter urges early Christians to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have”(NIV®). You do not have to be a Pastor or brilliant intellectual to do so. Instead, we can simply share how God has shown us his faithfulness and trust him to move through what we share. At Cornerstone, we define Faith Stories as “A story of God’s faithfulness.”…
Frontline Stories Presentation
At Cornerstone, we encourage everyone to view their workplaces, hobbies, families, neighbors, and friends as their frontlines. A frontline is the place where you interact the most with non-Christians. We love it when people from our congregation share what God is doing on their frontlines. This allows us to see what God is doing outside of our four walls and gives us an opportunity to pray for what God is doing there. Please review the article Frontline Stories Explained and the following…
Book Recommendation: Fruitfulness on the Frontline
This Saturday, October 1st, we’re starting an eight-week series called Fruitfulness on the Frontline. The inspiration for this series is the book Fruitfulness on the Frontline: Making a difference where you are by Mark Greene. The great news is that the Cornerstone leadership team has ordered a copy for every person in our church who wants to read it. So if you come to church this Saturday, you’ll receive your free copy! Please enjoy. – Pastor Jonathan *If you find this recommendation a bit…
Frontline Stories Explained
In the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus taught his disciples to “make disciples” as they were “going, baptizing, and teaching.” He called his followers to do this not in a foreign country, but in Galilee, their hometown. Today he calls us to our Galilees, to reach the lost next-door, our frontlines. Although this is hard, Jesus promises his mission will succeed. What is a frontline? “Your Frontline is the place where you spend the majority of your time outside…
Cornerstone Connect: September 2016
Cornerstone Connect September 2016
Fall 2016 Small Group Registration
Small Groups registration is here through Saturday October 1st. Please signup in the church foyer after church. Learn more about Small Groups on our ministry page.
7 Reasons Why Faithful Church Attendance Matters
Going to church every week, week after week matters. If we know Jesus, we should desire to be with his bride. For all those who believe, have a church home, but don’t attend consistently, I’m writing for you. If you’re one of those spotty non-attenders, I’m writing to you in love but also in truth. Come home! Regular church attendance is not just good for the ministry; it’s good for your soul, and for mine. So why is regular church…
Book Recommendation: The Voting Booth
This Saturday, September 10th, we’re starting a three-week series called No Fear November. A great companion book to this series is the kindle e-book, The Voting Booth: A new vision for Christian engagement in a post-Christian culture by Skye Jethani. It’s a quick but thoughtful read. Please enjoy. – Pastor Jonathan