Discipleship (Page 26)
Monica Romig: Through All The Choices
Hi, my name is Monica Romig. I live in Chelmsford with my husband Jonathan and I’m a Bible teacher at Bradford Christian Academy. I did not read Harry Potter. I was raised in a Christian home, and I have personally believed in Jesus my whole life. When I was younger, I was what you might call, “sheltered” by my parents, mostly my mom, and as a result I did not listen to the backstreet boys or Britney Spears. I did…
Pre-Sermon Worksheet
The Pre-Sermon Worksheet is designed for the Collaborative Sermon Preparation Team (see Cornerstone Playbook), but can be used by anyone to prepare for the week’s upcoming sermon text, which is already posted online. Thank you for studying God’s Word so diligently!
Stephanie Bradshaw: My Haiti Earthquake
My name is Stephanie Bradshaw for those who don’t know me. I now live in Littleton MA with a family of 8, but I grew up in Haiti. Growing up in Haiti was difficult in many ways. Many of the kids in Haiti are not able to go to school. In Haiti, I grew up in a family that has 7 kids, and we were all able to go to school. For fun in Haiti, I would jump rope, play…
Cornerstone Connect: April 2, 2016 edition
Here is the latest edition of the Cornerstone Connect!
Aaron Tang: Buddha and the Only True God
My name is Aaron Tang. I was born and raised in Hong Kong till my early teen years. Although I have a Chinese heritage and background, my parents always say I am Americanized and have very little understanding of the Chinese culture. But in school, my friends only saw a Chinese boy who probably is good with math and know Kung-Fu. My journey of knowing Christ took several years with many cultural collisions and through many Christians in my life.…
Book Recommendation: The Rest of God
On March 26th, we’re starting a brand new series called Sabbath & Simplicity: How To Rest. This is not only a great opportunity to invite a friend or coworker to church, it’s a great time to dive deep into the subject yourself. A really good book I’m reading is The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul By Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanan. I highly recommend you pick up a copy as we go through our series. In Christ, Pastor Jonathan
Vitaly Borodkin: Transformed by God’s Grace
My name is Vitaly Borodkin and my story begins in Moscow, in what was then the Soviet Union in the 1980s. I knew very little about God when I was young because the communist party discouraged the discussion of religion. Sometimes I saw Orthodox churches on the streets and asked my parents about them, only to receive very few answers. At that time, my parents were most likely agnostics, not knowing much about Jesus and the Bible.…
Cornerstone Connect: March 19, 2016
Check out this week’s Connect!
Derrick Jenkins: How God Works
Hello, my name is Derrick Jenkins. I am married to Tayla. I am the son of Maria and Bob, I work as a Journeyman Plumber, and I live in Dunstable MA. As a young child I was very curious about how everything worked, why it worked and who came up with the idea. I liked to take things apart and put them back together. I did this just to see how they were built and how they functioned. I had…
Heathyr Gavlik: Filling the Void
Hi, my name is Heathyr Gavlik. I have three children and I live in Tyngsborough. I grew up in the projects with an alcoholic mother and an absent father. Being the oldest I would be left alone at night to take care of my brother at a very young age. I can remember being afraid many nights. My mom and dad yelled and screamed at each other and it always made me scared. Sometimes I still fear the night as…
Cornerstone Connect: March 5, 2016 Edition
Find all the Cornerstone news in the Connect!
An Animated Explanation of The Gospel of Matthew
Please watch these two animated videos explaining the Gospel of Matthew by The Bible Project. They’ll cover more than we can get to in our current series, Meeting Jesus in Matthew, and will give you a great overview of the book. Enjoy! Matthew Chapters 1-13 Matthew Chapters 14-28