Discipleship (Page 27)

Discipleship (Page 27)

Shirley Burchfield: One Thing Missing, Peace

My name is Shirley Burchfield. Currently, I live in Tyngsboro with my husband, Bruce. Growing up, I was the third child in a family of four of a good Baptist mother and a non-practicing Catholic father. As long as I can remember we attended the Baptist church and Sunday School. When I became a middle schooler, I was thrilled to be able to attend youth group with my older brother and sister.  I grew up learning all the stories. I…

Saturday Worship Explained

We originally published this article on January 4th, 2016 as an explanation of why we chose to have our weekly worship service on Saturday afternoons. In September 2019 we are transitioning to Sunday mornings to better focus on discipleship as a church. If you are wrestling with the theology of Sunday worship or what day of the week you should worship on please read this article as well as The Lord’s Day: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Foundations for Sunday Worship…

John Ralls: Mercilessly Bullied to Powerfully Loved

Hi, I’m John Ralls, and I help lead the worship and media ministry here at Cornerstone. I grew up in Chelmsford with my mom, dad and little sister. Although I was far from perfect, I would probably be considered a good kid by most. I was motivated to be good by guilt and fear of getting into trouble. I was the kind of kid that didn’t want to rock the boat. Going to church was important to me and my…

Chris Coughlin: Radically Changed by Jesus

Hello, my name is Chris Coughlin. My wife Trisha and I live in Westford. We have been married almost 30yrs and have been blessed with five wonderful children and now one son-in-law. Today I have the privilege of sharing my Faith story with you. I’d like to begin by saying, that God is truly in the business of changing lives and I stand before you as one whose life has been radically changed by Jesus! Paul said, “Therefore, if anyone…

Jeremiah 29:4-7 Study Guide

Have you ever gone somewhere you didn’t want to go? How did you feel? How did you act? What’s the background of our passage in Jeremiah 29:1-3? Who is Jeremiah? To whom is he writing? The nation of Israel is receiving two conflicting messages. In Jeremiah 28:1-4, what’s the message? In Jeremiah 29:4-9, what’s the message? How does God want the Israelites to respond to their situation? Why is it difficult? Why is it good? The sermon’s big idea was…

Top Ten Most Wanted

Your “Top Ten Most Wanted” are ten people the Holy Spirit has placed on your heart to pray for their salvation. Please choose your ten and begin to pray! Ask God to give you the courage to invite them to our next worship service!

Matthew 28:16-20 Small Group Study Guide

Discipleship – We learn to love and obey Jesus and help others do the same. What is a disciple? – A disciple is a follower of Jesus. How do we follow Jesus? – By loving and obeying him. How does the gospel both free and motivate us to love and obey Jesus? – We are saved by grace, not works – We respond to God’s rich love – We do good to honor God, not to serve ourselves In Matthew…

John 13:34-35 Small Group Study Guide

Love – We receive and share God’s love and grace because Jesus first loved us. 1. What is the command? 2. Why is it new? 3. Why should we follow it? 4. What does it look like to love like Jesus/God? 5. How can we possibly love like that? 6. What difference would it make if we did? 7. What difference would it make if we didn’t? 8. Who are we overwhelming with love? 9. Who are we failing to…