Masks required for all indoor activites and worship services (until DATE) or please join us online. Masks optional outdoors.


January 4th, 2022 – Cornerstone Covid Safety Update

The health and safety of our Cornerstone community is of utmost importance to us. Therefore we are closely monitoring the COVID statistics and will be prepared to take any measures necessary to keep us safe. Currently, this includes requiring anyone aged 5 or older to wear a mask when inside the church building. We also have set the seats in the sanctuary in groupings of 2, 3, 4, and 5, set 6 feet apart, to encourage families to sit together…

May 20th, 2020 – Our current thoughts on re-starting our weekly worship service

Dear Church,  You may have heard that on Monday, May 18th, Governor Baker announced the limited reopening of churches who abide by the Places of Worship guidelines. Our Elders and Deacons met Monday evening to discuss plans for returning to gathered worship. While we are eager to see each other in person, we do not want to rush back in and risk spreading sickness among ourselves. For that reason we have decided to wait at least until June to have…

Our LiveStream Communion Plans

This past Sunday Pastor Jonathan invited us to prepare for communion by setting aside something to eat and drink for this coming Sunday, like bread and juice. While the concept of taking communion together at church is familiar, the idea of taking it from our homes connected by an online worship service is foreign. We do not want anyone to participate if they feel uncomfortable with the concept, but we also thought it might help to share an article that…

March 26th Announcements – LiveStream, Prayer, Needs

Our Ongoing Plan We are so grateful the Lord is providing a way for us to continue to gather together online to worship, care for our community, and learn as a church. Pastor Jonathan is LiveStreaming a simplified service Sundays at 10:15am through our Facebook Page. We hope you’ll join us! How to connect to Facebook Live You should not need a Facebook account to watch our LiveStream, but if you do that will allow you to interact by posting and responding to the…

March 22nd Worship Service & Christian Education Hour

So what’s the plan this Sunday?  Thanks for asking! This coming Sunday, March 22nd, and for the foreseeable future our worship service is going to take place at 10:15am on Sundays using Facebook Live. Out of concern for the safety of our worship team and love for our neighbors we will no longer be having our worship team gather to lead us in worship. This means Pastor Jonathan will be leading us through a time of worship using announcements, prayer,…

Cornerstone’s Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Virtual Service Plan

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 (Coronavirus) situation, our Elders and Deacons have changed our worship service plan. Until further notice we will be going to a virtual worship service at 10:15am Sundays using Facebook Live. You do not need a Facebook account to access the LiveStream. Just go to our public Facebook Page: Cornerstone Congregational Church – Westford, MA. We have made this decision at the recommendation of our health and government officials as well as a desire to support…

Our Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Worship Service Plan

As of Saturday, March 14th, this post is no longer our most recent Coronavirus communication. Click here to see our March 14th Virtual Service announcement. Original March 13th Announcement… Church family! Maybe you’ve been wondering, So what’s the plan? How are we at Cornerstone going to respond to Covid-19 (aka. Coronavirus)? After a flurry of emails and phone calls among myself and our Elders and Deacons our current plan (as of Friday, March 14th) is to still have worship this…

2018-2019 Final Preaching Plan

Here is the final preaching plan from the 2018-2019 Cornerstone ministry year, beginning in September 2018 and ending in June 2019. You can find the current preaching plan here.

Happy 3rd Birthday Cornerstone!

Happy Birthday Cornerstone! On October 3rd 2015 we launched our weekly church service. We may not have become a fully autonomous organization until July 2017, but that first Saturday in October 2015 is our first Birthday. Let’s take a moment to thank the Lord for three years of amazing, challenging, fruitful, rewarding ministry. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been good. Let’s also thank the Lord for all the hard-working volunteers who have given thousands of hours into taking…
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