Resources (Page 15)

Resources (Page 15)

What Does Discipleship Really Mean? Whole-Life Discipleship

What does discipleship really mean? It’s been a question Stephen Johnson has been on a journey to answer for years. “Whatever discipleship means,” he says, “it must be relevant to everyone, everywhere, at all times, or it isn’t real discipleship.” The model of whole-life discipleship has offered this all-inclusive vision of life to Fellowship Bible Church, where Stephen has pastored for the last eleven years. It has also made discipleship very relational and situational, inviting everyone to ask what the…

Lord of “My” Time / Being Open to God’s Timeframe on our Frontlines

Our church has been blessed by God with the arrival of a refugee family into our congregation. It wasn’t something we planned or prepared for, but in God’s unique and perfect way, they were added to our number. In many ways it is clear that we were not prepared for them. We had no idea the connections and resources that they need to resettle here in our community. We were and remain confused by the process and the regulations and…

February 13th – Weather & Snow Update

We have church in-person and online today, February 13th, 2022. Please join us online if you don’t feel safe driving. We’ll have 20-minutes of worship, a 20-minute massage, and 45-minutes of small-group discussion, with a Zoom option for those who would like to join from home. The second page of the bulletin has the Zoom login info. God bless.

January 29th, 2022 – Service & Snow Announcement

At this time (Saturday, January 29th, at noon), the Deacons and Elders have determined that we will hold worship in person tomorrow. The snow will be ending later this evening and we have been assured by our snowplow contractor that the parking lot will be plowed and salted and stairs and walkways will be cleared and salted as well. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed. Please check the website and Facebook page in the…

Spiritual Connectivity / 6Ms of Fruitfulness on the Frontline

The yellow light blinked slowly, alerting me that there was a problem. I asked Alexa for help, and she told me plainly, “I’m having problems connecting to the internet.” So I called the help desk to get the wireless router back online, but when the technician told me to cycle the power on the modem, the call dropped unexpectedly—I had forgotten that the phone also required an internet connection! Since you’re reading this, you know that I eventually did get…

January 12th – Covid Safety Update

The Deacons recommend that Cornerstone worship in community and in person this Sunday, January 16th. At this time the weather forecast looks dry although quite cold on Sunday morning. Those of our members and attenders who recently tested positive for COVID-19 will have completed their isolation periods and, we pray, will have recovered and be feeling well. We ask that if others test positive or have known close contacts to follow the CDC and Department of Public Health guidelines attached…