Resources (Page 18)

Resources (Page 18)

Cornerstone Mask Policy

For our January 4th, 2022 Update, Click Here. Dear Church Family, Isn’t Covid no fun?! We are ready for it to be all gone, but it seems like the Lord is allowing for it to linger. As your elders and deacons, we have struggled to know how to best protect the church family from covid, while not over-doing it. We are not certain we have it right but have created the following plan to do the best we can. Due…

The Problem with Elevating Pastoral Ministry Above Other Ministries – “What Ministry Might That Be?”

Several years ago I was sitting in the pew on Sunday morning at historic All Souls Church in central London listening to John Stott preach.  To illustrate a point, he recounted a conversation with a friend of his.  Apparently John’s friend had shared with him some news about a mutual acquaintance, explaining that this person had recently gone into “the ministry.”  John then replied, “What ministry might that be?”  John’s friend was confused by the question, particularly from such an…

Between Two Worlds: In But Not Of the World

In my last post I wrote about running, so I thought I’d continue with that theme today. Whenever I go for a jog, I like to listen to praise music. Unfortunately, on one occasion when I popped in the earbuds, one of them didn’t work. I tried to fiddle with it, but nothing helped. At first I was somewhat annoyed by this, as I was hoping to have a wonderful time running and praising God (silently of course!). Once I…

Vaishali’s Faith Story: Stress, Struggle & God’s Closeness

If the video link above is not working, you can watch Vaishali’s faith story here. My name is Vaishali Lucas-Lebron and I live in Lawrence, MA. I always knew God existed. I just could never figure out how to have a healthy relationship with him. It was in late high school-early college when my mental health started depleting. It was then that I would call on God constantly through prayer or reading the Bible, yet I felt this distance between…