Resources (Page 25)
Sep 27th & Oct 4th 2020 Outdoor Worship Service Plan
On Sunday September 27th and Sunday October 4th, 2020, we are going to attempt to move our regularly scheduled 10:15am indoor worship service outdoors to our church parking lot. In order to make this a success, we need your help! Please read the following guidelines: Please park in the upper dirt lot. If we run out of parking there, please only park on the side of the street closest to the church.. Please wear your face masks and maintain at…
A Conversation with Friends – Systemic Racism & Becoming a White Ally
In June I preached a sermon entitled “A Posture of Listening” (all links below) where I shared how the Lord was teaching me to try and listen and learn more about the issue of racism and racial justice. With this I sensed the Lord might be leading me to reach out to three of my Ockenga friends, Cyntoria, Monica, and Devon, to talk further about this topic. All three love the Lord and care deeply for the church. Cyntoria serves…
“Unboxing” the pre-filled communion cup with wafer
Check out the video below to get ready for our communion time together this Sunday! If you’re worshipping from home please grab some bread and juice to take with us.
June 30th, 2020 – Guidelines for re-starting our weekly worship service
We’ll be resuming in person worship services on July 5th at 10:15, with specific guidelines in place. A list of all guidelines can be found below:
June 14th, 2020 – Order of Worship
10:15am Facebook Live Service Our Sunday service begins at 10:15am using our Facebook Page: Cornerstone Congregational Church – Westford, MA (no account needed). Order of Worship Welcome! Welcome to our church service and anyone new who is joining us. Announcements 1) If you need prayer, please email Thank you Kayela and Susana for continuing the Prayer Network ministry. 2) If you have a need, please email 3) Our tentative in-person worship-service reopening date is July 5th (more info…
The Bible Project: Justice (Includes Discussion Questions)
1. What is the Bible’s understanding of justice? 2. How does injustice impact our relationships and society? 3. What is the Bible’s solution to injustice? 4. How does the gospel shape our understanding of justice? 5. What’s one step you want to take to act more justly?
Esther Discussion Guide/Questions
Thanks for checking out our college group’s discussion guide of the book of Esther. I hope this helps you study and reflect on the book as we prepare to discuss it together. Here are some helpful resources for studying the book of Esther (PDF download at bottom of page): The Bible Project: Esther Video & Discussion Guide For Such a Time as This article by Bethany Jenkins Esther and the Silent Sovereignty of God article by Bethany Jenkins How to…