Resources (Page 29)

Resources (Page 29)

Thanksgiving Communion

This past Thursday we gathered with friends and family to share a Thanksgiving meal and give thanks for the ways the Lord has blessed us. I found that this year I was far less intentional about giving thanks than I should have been. I gave thanks to the Lord for a few things in my mind but I got so wrapped up in family time that I didn’t stop and thank the Lord as I would have liked. I’m assuming…

Gospel-Centered Advent Reading Christmas Eve: The Christ Candle

Since the moment Adam took a bite out of the forbidden fruit we’ve all been waiting for a Savior to come and put things right again (Gen 3:15). We waited during the time of Noah and the flood. We waited during the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We waited during the years of captivity in Egypt and the years of spiritual rebellion in Israel. We waited under the good but broken King David and the bad kings who followed.…

Gospel-Centered Advent Reading Week 4: The Love Candle

The big story of the Bible is all about the one true God who chooses to love unloveable people. After Moses brought the people of Israel safely out of slavery in Egypt they came to a mountain called Sinai where God made a special covenant promise to love and care for them. Yet even as God was making this promise they made a golden calf to love and worship. God would have destroyed the people in that moment if Moses…