Resources (Page 34)

Resources (Page 34)

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting Church Guide

Introduction What is fasting? Fasting is when you deny yourself good things, things you enjoy and go to for comfort, for a period of time so that you can use that hunger to intentionally draw near to God. Prayer and fasting can be an act of repentance and confession (Nehemiah 9:1-2; Joel 2:12-13); an intentional calling out for God’s deliverance and direction (2 Chronicles 20:2-4; Esther 4:16); and most of all a time of longing for Christ Jesus and his…

A Garden Eulogy for Ernest Peterson

Ernest loved to garden. I have this memory of him that could be from one occasion or a combination of them, but the memory is him coming in through his back door from the garden. He’s wearing a small cap, a gardening apron that’s brown with dirt, he’s holding his gloves in one hand, his back is still bent from weeding and old age, but he has a grin on his face. He is happy. He’s been in his garden…

50 Caliber Bullets into Communion Cups

In 1943 during World War II General Douglas MaCarthur lead an invasion of the Philippines. He wanted an island airfield from which to launch into the Pacific and so he set out to invade the little Indonesian island of Biak. He sent 12,000 troops but they thought they wouldn’t encounter much resistance. 11,000 Japanese troops hid on the island and ambushed US troops. What should have been a quick engagement took much longer. After a month of fighting General MaCarthur…

Why a Discipleship Pathway Matters

I’d like to tell you the illustrative story of two people who are new to church and new to Christ, but their experiences at each of their churches is very different. Why? Because one goes to a church that offers a lot of programs and events and the other goes to a church that walks every believer down a clear discipleship pathway. A discipleship pathway (see below) is a series of next steps “intended to help people move from where they…