Resources (Page 38)
The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Antisemitism
Dear Church, with the recent violence committed against the Jewish community we the Elders believe we should all become more informed about antisemitism and how we can both stand against this racism and stand with the people hurt by it. Please read this article by Joe Carter, originally posted at The Gospel Coalition: The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Antisemitism. – The Cornerstone Board of Elders
What is Communion? Fellowship – Acts 2:42
What is Communion? Last month I started a series on the Lord’s Supper explaining the word “communion.” We learned that the Apostle Paul uses this word in 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 to mean spiritual participation with Christ Jesus. So when we take the Lord’s supper, we’re being drawn spiritually into a relationship with God. We also learned the word for “communion” or “participation” is the Greek word “koinonia,” which also appears in Acts 2:42 and means “fellowship.” Acts 2:42 They devoted…
What is Communion? Participation – 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
What is Communion? What are we doing here? Maybe you’re more used to calling Communion the Lord’s Supper. That’s fine, but why do we do we also call it communion? In 1 Corinthians Paul talks about communion. But in the chapter right before the famous one when he gives the Words of Institution, which we’ll get to in just a moment, he says this: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 “Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation…
Happy 3rd Birthday Cornerstone!
Happy Birthday Cornerstone! On October 3rd 2015 we launched our weekly church service. We may not have become a fully autonomous organization until July 2017, but that first Saturday in October 2015 is our first Birthday. Let’s take a moment to thank the Lord for three years of amazing, challenging, fruitful, rewarding ministry. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been good. Let’s also thank the Lord for all the hard-working volunteers who have given thousands of hours into taking…
CCCC Statement of Faith, Statement of Polity, and Code of Ethics for Churches
Cornerstone Congregational Church is a member of the CCCC, the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference. Every year the CCCC sends out the CCCC Statement of Faith, CCCC Statement of Polity, and CCCC Code of Ethics for Churches and asks each church to reaffirm their commitment to them. The Elders have already taken care of reaffirming them, but we would appreciate it if you would personally take the time to read and think through each of the three items to make sure…