Resources (Page 48)
Constitution & By-Laws
The Constitution and By-Laws of Cornerstone Congregational Church are our governing documents.
Women Deacons at Cornerstone
Can women serve as Deacons in the church? Although Cornerstone limits the role of Elders to men, we fully support women and men serving as Deacons, as shown in our Philosophy of Ministry. Please read the Cornerstone Board of Elder’s interpretation of 1 Timothy 3:11 to find out why.
Elder Installation Vows
Cornerstone is an Elder-Led Church. Because of this, we take the time to thoroughly assess, pray for, and commission each one of our new Elders. As we welcome new Elders onto the board, we recognize them publicly in one of our church services through an Elder Installation. This includes an explanation of what it means to be an Elder-Led church, and vows taken by them and the congregation. Please read all three below. The vows are adapted from Finding Faithful Elders…
The Lord’s Supper: Hunger & Thirst
Today we’re commissioning our youth missions team to France. One of the events our team will help host in France is a Non-Musical Night of Worship. Last Sunday evening, they hosted one for us here at Cornerstone. Instead of singing, we walked from station to station at our own pace, reflecting and praying. At one of my favorite stations they placed a jug of water, France-colored rice-crispy treats, and several verses, including this one. John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I…
Cornerstone Connect: August 2017
Check out the August Cornerstone Connect A lot of great activities this August and early September! You can also view here in your browser Cornerstone Connect August 2017
Announcing Cornerstone Autonomy!
Jesus said to his disciple Peter in Matthew 16:18b, “…I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (NIV®) Here Christ promises to push back Satan through the ministry and mission of his bride, the church. Today, we’re happy to announce Christ is continuing to build his church. As of Wednesday, July 19th 2017, Cornerstone Congregational Church has transitioned from being a ministry of Immanuel Church in Chelmsford to becoming our own legally autonomous church.…