Resources (Page 54)

Resources (Page 54)

Christ’s Sacrifice in Communion

Please take the time to review through Andy’s communion notes from last month as you prepare to take communion this coming Saturday. Cornerstone celebrates Communion during the first worship service every month.

Advent Reading Week 1: Hope Candle

Lighting a candle is a simple yet profound act. It is a testimony to the power of light over darkness. The light of just one candle can push away the darkness. As we light this first candle of Advent, we begin our journey to Christmas. The first candle of Advent is called the Hope or Prophecy candle; as we anticipate Christmas, let us remember those who first spoke the promise of the coming Christ child. [Read Micah 5:2] “But you,…

Will God Hold Me Accountable For How I Vote?

Every election well-meaning Christians encourage each other to vote. The encouragement usually sounds a little bit like this, “I believe that one day everyone will have to give an account to God for how we vote.” The implication is that every Christian needs to vote for the right politicians, ballot issues, and values, or one day God will hold them accountable for voting wrong. I confess that I have given this encouragement, and I’m now convinced this view, not necessarily…

The Legacy of a Disciple-Maker

ODE TO A MENTOR My mentor’s name is David. We met at a local pastor’s gathering where he took voluntary interest in me. I needed a mentor and he wanted to make disciples by caring for the next generation of pastors. For the next year and a half, David poured into me. He taught me the importance of sharing life stories, hunting one other’s sin, and giving each other grace. 1. We shared life stories together. One of the first…

Why Traditions, Creeds, and Catechisms Matter for Today’s Church

The church I grew up in raised me to love the Bible and all its stories, but didn’t talk much about tradition, or the historic creeds, confessions, and catechisms. I learned the Bible every week, but I was missing out on what my spiritual grandparents had to offer me. It wasn’t until seminary that the significance of what came before me began to sink in. That’s when I discovered my need for what I like to call extra-biblical humility. This…