Resources (Page 62)

Resources (Page 62)

Photo Consent Form

We would like all of our regular attenders to fill out a Photo Consent Form that gives Cornerstone permission to use a photos of you in our publications.  If you haven’t done so yet, would you download the form, complete it, and return it to church?  Thank you! If you also don’t want your image to be used by us, we’d appreciate a note letting us know that as well.

Saturday Worship Explained

We originally published this article on January 4th, 2016 as an explanation of why we chose to have our weekly worship service on Saturday afternoons. In September 2019 we are transitioning to Sunday mornings to better focus on discipleship as a church. If you are wrestling with the theology of Sunday worship or what day of the week you should worship on please read this article as well as The Lord’s Day: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Foundations for Sunday Worship…

Communion & Self Examination

Scripture puts boundaries and qualifications in place for many positions within the church such as Pastor, Elder, Teacher, Deacon and Deaconess, etc… and we want to be careful to follow scripture. However, where Scripture does not exclude, we want to embrace the Priesthood of all believers and not set-up man-made boundaries. One such area in the church where we see an opportunity to include more people is in the distribution of the elements during communion. If you are worthy to…

Advent Readings Weeks 1-5: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love Christ

Enjoy our Cornerstone Advent reading for the 2015 Christmas season. We read the following readings each week as we lighted candles remembering all God has given us. Use this as a devotional to reflect on Jesus Christmas day. We remember Christ’s first advent on Christmas Day and look forward to his final advent at the second coming of Christ. This advent reading is adapted from the reading available at: For other Cornerstone Christmas Advent Readings click here.

John Ralls: Mercilessly Bullied to Powerfully Loved

Hi, I’m John Ralls, and I help lead the worship and media ministry here at Cornerstone. I grew up in Chelmsford with my mom, dad and little sister. Although I was far from perfect, I would probably be considered a good kid by most. I was motivated to be good by guilt and fear of getting into trouble. I was the kind of kid that didn’t want to rock the boat. Going to church was important to me and my…

Chris Coughlin: Radically Changed by Jesus

Hello, my name is Chris Coughlin. My wife Trisha and I live in Westford. We have been married almost 30yrs and have been blessed with five wonderful children and now one son-in-law. Today I have the privilege of sharing my Faith story with you. I’d like to begin by saying, that God is truly in the business of changing lives and I stand before you as one whose life has been radically changed by Jesus! Paul said, “Therefore, if anyone…