Resources (Page 65)
Cornerstone Connect: August 19, 2015
The August 19 edition of Cornerstone Connect is all about what we have been waiting for: Our First Preview Service!!! Pastor Jonathan reminds us that we should be praying and thinking about how we will welcome visitors to our services. In addition, he is looking for help with our Introduction to Jesus class which will be held in October and November.
Cornerstone Connect: July 10, 2015
Pastor Jonathan encourages us to remember to pray for our ministry in and for Westford in the July 10 edition of Cornerstone Connect and is calling for a time of prayer on July 29 from 7-9 pm at the church. This edition is also jam packed with updates about our involvement in the Chelmsford Country Fair over the Fourth of July holiday as well as updates on the naming of our Trustees and the opportunity to teach Christianity Explored through…
Cornerstone Connect: June 29, 2015
In the June 29th 2015 Cornerstone Connection, Pastor Jonathan reminds the Core Team to rest this summer as we prepare for the fall launch, the Church Planting Ministry Team shares a few Team documents, and both the Worship Team and Outreach and Connections Team share opportunities to volunteer and get involved.
Tithes and Offerings
One of the ways we worship Jesus and bless each other is through giving generously and joyfully in our tithes and offerings. Although money can be a tricky thing to talk about, God calls us to worship Him with our all, including our finances. I encourage you to review this Tithes and Offerings Devotional from our June 27th 2015 Gathered Worship service at Cornerstone. You can also download the Keynote and PowerPoint editions.
Historic Westford Church Building
On March 7th, 2001 the roof of Westford Bible Church’s building collapsed due to significant snowfall. Here are some pictures of the demolition and reconstruction. Through this process God gave Westford Bible Church, and eventually Cornerstone Congregational Church, a brand new building.
Church Plant Collaboration
How many existing churches does it take to bring about a new church plant? In the case of newly established Cornerstone Congregational Church in Westford, Massachusetts, the Lord has been pleased to use two key churches in a primary role, along with many neighboring churches in a supportive role. This article originally appeared in the Forsee as “Around the Conference: Church Plant Collaboration”. The author, Steve Burkett is the Pastor of the Congregational Church in North Chelmsford and serves as…
What is the Gospel?
What is the gospel? My first semester at seminary I showed up feeling called by God to become a pastor and I couldn’t say what the gospel was. Sure I had an idea. Isn’t the gospel that we’re “saved by faith” or that “Jesus rose again”? The word gospel comes from the Greek word that means “good news.” Mark 1:1 tells us the gospel is “the good news about Jesus the Messiah.” So what about Jesus’ life and ministry is…