Resources (Page 8)
November 20th, 2022
November 20th 2022 bulletin (web)
November 13th, 2022
website – 11.13.22
November 6th bulletin
November 6th 2022
October 30th Bulletin
October 30, 2022
October 16th Bulletin
October 16th bulletin
COVID-19 Update (wearing a mask is recommended – 10/1/2022)
Our Cornerstone congregation has had a few members test positive for COVID-19 this week. Current CDC guidelines require that a person testing positive consider the day of the test as day 0 and then to isolate for the next 5 days. As long as they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and their symptoms are improving, they may come out of isolation on day 6 but should wear a mask when around others through day…