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Sermons on Luke

Sermons on Luke

Receptivity | Luke 8:4-15

Listen as Pastor Ron explores the message of the parable of the sower. Discussion Questions 1. Is the intent of this passage to help us discern who is “saved?” 2. Is it possible for all four soils to co-exist in one person? 3. How do we explain the lesson of this parable in light of Isaiah 55:10,11 ? 4. Can the lesson of this parable be applied to the church ? Is that helpful, and encouraging?

The Triumphant Entry | Matthew 21:1-11 & 15

This Palm Sunday, we received a message from Mark Maclean to help us understand how Jesus was perceived and who he really was and what he came to do. Discussion Questions 1. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the crowd treated him like a king. What were they expecting of him? 2. What was correct about the crowd’s description of Jesus? What was incorrect (or incomplete)? 3. What kind of Jesus am I following? One of my own devising or one…

A Savior Is Born | Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38

“Christmas is the answer to the question, does God love me?”. Bernie Michaud shares a message of encouragement on this Christmas Day. Can we see beyond our circumstances to the hope and joy that God provides through our savior? Watch Here Questions to Consider How would you be feeling if these events were happening to you? How much do you trust God with your life’s circumstances?

Joy | Luke 2:8-14, Isaiah 53:1-6

On the third Sunday of Advent, Alex DiBisceglie shared with us a message about the joy that we can experience with God. Discussion Questions Icebreaker:  What is one of your favorite Christmas traditions? 1.  How does culture define joy? 2.  What are some obstacles that prevent us from experiencing joy? 3.  What are some ways the Suffering Servant joy helps you transcend sorrow in your life? 4.   What does it mean that Jesus bears our griefs and carries our sorrows?

Christmas Peace | Philippians 4:4-9, Luke 2:8-15

Discover what it means to have true peace, “Christmas Peace”, as Pastor Ron shares on this second Sunday of Advent. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. “Why is “Christmas peace” a perfect peace? 2. What is necessary to receive this peace? 3. Can we have peace with God and not have the peace of God?  Why or why not?

Hope’s Accomplishments | Isaiah 11:1-9

On this first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Ron shares with us a message of Hope. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. What is christian hope? 2. What affects does hope have on believers? 3. What are some ways God has awakened or stirred your hope? 4. Why is Christmas critical to our hope?

Sacrifice | Luke 9:1-6, 10-27

Do we live lives marked by sacrifice? Pastor Ron challenges us with this message on sacrifice. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. Do you think sacrifice is the distinguishing mark between a “believer” and a “disciple”? 2. What does  “sacrificial living” involve for you? 3. Why does Jesus say take up your cross daily?

The Power of Jesus’ Compassion | Luke 8:26-56

Jesus demonstrates compassion throughout his ministry. Listen as Pastor Ron shares about the power of Jesus’ compassion. Discussion Questions 1. Can you think of a time (and share it) when Jesus’ conpassion delivered you from temptation (evil), or brought you peace from suffering (alleviated it), or brought hope for renewed life (gave you new life)? 2. As a church or individuals what can we/I learn from these instances in Jesus’ ministry?

It’s the Principle | Luke 6:12-36

Pastor Ron explores the principles that Jesus has laid before us. Discussion Questions 1. Does impulse have a place in the christian life?  Explain. 2. What are some specific principles we live by everyday? 3. Why is it so hard to live a principled life, and where can we get help?

Jesus’ Helpers | Luke 5:1-11, 27-28, Luke 6:12-16

Andy Bradshaw delves into the question, why did Jesus call his disciples? Discussion Questions 1.    Why is it important we have a proper view of who Jesus is? a.     Did you learn anything from the sermon, have anything to add, or question something that was presented? 2.    If you are a Christian, how does it make you feel that Jesus has chosen you to be his follower? a.     Is it exciting, humbling, burdensome, etc.? 3.    Can you think of a time God asked you to…