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Sermons on Philippians

Sermons on Philippians

Extending Christmas

Philippians 2:1-13 Discussion Questions: How long do you leave your Christmas lights up? Read John 1:1-14.  What similar points can you find between this passage and Philippians 2:6-11?  What unique points do you see in John 1? Do you know of other believers who have been good examples of selflessness?  Why are they so encouraging to us? Spiritual growth never happens in a straight line.  Sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s stagnant or even feels like regression.  What’s common to…

Christmas Peace | Philippians 4:4-9, Luke 2:8-15

Discover what it means to have true peace, “Christmas Peace”, as Pastor Ron shares on this second Sunday of Advent. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. “Why is “Christmas peace” a perfect peace? 2. What is necessary to receive this peace? 3. Can we have peace with God and not have the peace of God?  Why or why not?

The Highest Court | Acts 25:1-22 (When we face injustice)

Have you ever faced injustice? Have you ever been treated unfairly? Maybe a boss mistreated you at work, or a family member or friend did not treat you right. Maybe you can think of a family member or friend who has experienced injustice. My dad told me the story of how he was let go from his job for something he had not done, and it was painful for him. Maybe you’ve faced something similar. As we look at the…

Part 6. “R” – Reign of Christ | Romans 13:1-7 & Philippians 3:20-21

I loved going to Awana club every week when I was a kid. If you’re not familiar with this part of the Christian subculture, Awana is a weekly after-school program where once a week, kids gathered at church to eat snacks, play games, memorize Bible verses, and sing worship songs. And I loved it! One week when I thought I wasn’t going to get to go, I had a major meltdown. I memorized so many verses I got my Sparky…

Art & Beauty | Philippians 4:8

When Monica and I are on vacation we spot a contemporary art museum and I always say, “Hey, we should go check that out!” And then when we do go, I always hate it. I’m like, “What is this?!” So I’m preaching on art and beauty today… Let’s pray. I was sitting in one of my classes in seminary when a student raised his hand. I didn’t know this student very well. He was hipster; he wore a beanie to…

A Good and Faithful Death | Psalm 90

Tonight we are going to talk about death. At the Ockenga Fellows Retreat last week we discussed “Science, Technology, and Healthcare.” I’m going to cover technology in May but tonight I want to discuss how to die well. By show of hands, who here thought about death this week, either your death or that of a loved one, family member, or friend? A lot of us thought about death this week. Our culture doesn’t like to talk about death but…

Discipleship 101: Disciples who Suffer | Philippians 4:10-23

Have you ever finished reading a book and wondered, what did I just read? I have lots of books on my bookshelf that I know I’ve read, but I have trouble remembering what they are about. To try to solve this, I’ve become a lot more interactive with my books. Now when I read, I underline and try to paraphrase points in the margins, writing down a word or two that will remind me what it’s about. *Please click “Save”…

Discipleship 101: The Connection Between My Peace & Our Peace | Philippians 4:2-9

I worked on a ranch for a summer. While I was there I helped brand cows, run cattle through chutes, and even tagged one cow’s ear. I’m not much of an animal person, but I do know that in a cattle herd the health of one cow can affect the health of the whole herd. Sickness and disease can spread quickly, so you want to make sure each cow is healthy. If one cow becomes stressed, it can get sick,…

Discipleship 101: Philippians 2:19-3:9 | Two Great Disciples & One Garbage Disciple

Have you ever gotten sucked into one of those cheap magazine or buzzfeed quizzes that tries to tell you something about yourself? You answer a dozen questions and it categorizes you as a certain type of person (introvert, extrovert, shy, outgoing, etc.) or as a character from one of your favorite movies or books. I took a “Which Harry Potter Character Are You” quiz and got Severus Snape. Severus Snape is pretty much the bad guy for most of Harry…

Discipleship 101: The Excitement of Being a Disciple | Philippians 3:10-4:1

For the last month or so we have been looking at what it means to be a disciple. We discovered that being a disciple means to be a student. And in our scripture text for today Paul says that He wants to know Christ. Paul was not satisfied just to know about Jesus. He wanted to know and to experience everything about Him. Please click “Save” and then “PDF” to download a copy of Bernie’s sermon manuscript. Thank you!  Church Service You can watch…

Discipleship 101: Joyful Disciples | Philippians 2:12-18

Jesus and the 12 disciples walk into a restaurant and Jesus says to the hostess, “Table for 26 please.” So she says to him, “But there’s only 13 of you?” Jesus says, “Yes, but we all want to sit on one side.” Is it okay to tell jokes in church? Is it okay to laugh? I think so. But what if I were to tell you that the Bible actually encourages us to be joyful and happy as a church.…
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