Sermons on Psalms

Sermons on Psalms

Lord Have Mercy

Psalm 123 Discussion Questions: 1) Is there a time in your life when you’ve felt like the Psalmist feels in Psalm 123? 2) Is it ever tempting to think that God doesn’t want to show you mercy? Why? 3) How have you personally experienced the Lord’s mercy?

Joy in the House of the Lord

Psalm 122   Discussion Questions: What’s something that you get excited about that has no eternal significance? (If you’re married, think about how your spouse would answer this question for you!) What keeps you from experiencing excitement and joy as you come into the house of the Lord? Who is someone in your life who has exuded joy as they’ve gathered with other believers? Why do you think they did?  

Lift Your Eyes Up to the Hill

Psalm 121   Discussion Questions:   1) Where are some wrong places you are tempted to look for help when trouble comes? How have they let you down? 2) If you had a powerful, wise, good, loving bodyguard helping and protecting you all the time—day and night—how would that change the way you lived? Why don’t we live that way as Christians? How can we live that way more than we do?

God’s Glory Before Us | Psalm 29

Pastor Ron reminds us of God’s glory and how we can glorify God in his first sermon at Cornerstone. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. Share any instance when you appreciated the Glory of God this past week. 2. Can you cite an instance when God has given you strength and peace as you recognized His glory in a storm of your life?   (refer to John 16:33) 3. How are John 1:14 and Luke 8:22-24 related to the lessons of Psalm…

Praise the Storyteller | Psalm 105:1-7

Two weeks ago, Terry Shanahan preached on Psalm 8 a message called “Praise the Creator,” which was really encouraging. I thought it would be good to continue our time in the Psalms with a Psalm of celebration, thanksgiving, and praise that I’ve entitled “Praise the Storyteller.” My hope is that we will look back and see the story God has been writing, and it will draw our hearts to praise and glorify him. Today is not just a day to…

Lord of the Storm | Mark 4:35-41

This Rembrandt painting is called “Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee.” It depicts Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. While most of the painting is black and dark grays and blues, you can see golden-light and light blue skies in the distance. Two thieves disguised as police officers broke into the Isabella Steward Gardner Museum in Boston and stole it in 1990. If you know where it is, let the FBI know. Jesus has…

Praise The Creator | Psalm 8:1-9 (Terry Shanahan)

Terry Shanahan, our CCCC Regional Ministry (soon-to-be retiring) preached on Psalm 8 on Sunday, June 5th, 2022. Enjoy. You can listen to all of his Cornerstone sermons here. Discussion Questions Ice Breaker: What is your favorite thing to do when you have leisure time? Get outdoors? Take a hike? Go camping? Prayer: Do you have a prayer or praise you would like to share? Let’s pray for one another. Reread Psalm 8: When was the last time you experienced God’s majestic…

The Rhythms of Life: Stress and Solitude | Psalm 46

Dave Astolfi is a second career pastor, having earned an M.Div from Bethel Seminary of the East. He retired early from a 35 year career in science research to devote more time and energy to pastoral ministry.  Dave was ordained at Grace Community Church in Chelmsford, while serving as Pastor of Care. He is enjoying semi-retirement, serving God through pulpit supply, interim ministry, mentoring and volunteering at a community pantry … Oh, and he also keeps busy playing with his…

A Thirsty Deer | Psalm 42:1-11

On Palm Sunday, I preached about donkeys. My big idea was “Be a donkey!” Well, we’re talking about deer today, so maybe the big idea should be, “Be a deer!” A doe, a deer, a female deer. Be a deer. About a month ago, I was meditating on this passage, and the elders and I were talking about my sabbatical, and we thought this text could be a good way to kick off my time away, but also the church’s…

How to Listen to a Sermon | Acts 17:10-15

Sermons are boring!… Let me rephrase. Sermons can be boring. I grew up in a Baptist church in Estes Park, Colorado. The pews were, and still are, a lovely shade of orange. For a long time, I got out of having to listen to sermons regularly by helping my dad with children’s church. It was like a “get out of jail free” card. It was fantastic. At children’s church, there were plenty of club crackers, and the Gatorade was flowing.…

A Service of Confession, Lament, Thanksgiving & Praise | Psalms 80, 12, 111, 145

Login Info Our last Sunday worship service of 2020 is at 10:30am on Zoom. Please join us online at 10:15am for a time of fellowship before the service. ID: 890 5472 7430 P: JesusGrace Introduction Welcome (pastor) Welcome to our worship service. On the last Sunday of the year, we take the opportunity to have a more interactive and participatory service at Cornerstone Congregational Church. This year we are expanding it from a time of thanksgiving and praise to also…