A Better Life Now
Reminders | 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Pastor Ron finishes our series going through 1 Thessalonians and remembering what it means to have a “Better Life Now”. Discussion Questions 1. How and why do we hold leaders in the highest regard? 2. Notice the instructions in verses 14-18. They allow for no exceptions. In light of that why are Paul’s counsel in verses 19-22 and his prayer in verses 23,24 important? 3. What is the difference between “quenching”or putting out the fire of the Holy Spirit (5:19)…
Hope Fulfilled | 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:11
Mark Pender encourages us with this message about hope from 1 Thessalonians. Discussion Questions Paul uses a literary technique of contrasts in this section. Some examples – Light contrast Dark, Sober contrast Drunk, Asleep contrast Awake. Is Salvation the contrast of wrath (v9)? Martin L King Jr said “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” How did Paul model this? In what ways have you seen others model this? We’re not the church in Thessalonica, but how…
Self-Giving | 2 Thessalonians 2:1-16
Pastor Ron helps us to see the qualities of good leaders as presented in Thessalonians. Discussion Questions 1. According to this passage, what qualities of Paul make him a good pastor? 2. Should we make more of imitation in the church? (note vs 8 and 14, also 1Cor. 11:1) 3. Look at vs.13, ch.1:5 then 2Timothy 3:14-17. In light of these scripture verses what role does the Word of God play in our relationships with one another? 4. How must…
For Example | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
We take a closer look at the church in Thessalonica and the example they set as Pastor Ron continues our series “A Better Life Now”. Discussion Questions 1. Share an example that encouraged your spiritual life. 2. How can Cornerstone be an example to another church or churches in the area as the church in Thessalonica was? 3. True or False? Life without problems and suffering is a fantasy and not worth pursuing. Can we have a meaningful life of…
Troubling Truth | Acts 17:1-9
Pastor Ron introduces us to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica as he begins a new sermon series entitled “A Better Life Now”. Discussion Questions 1. Suffering and Death were great hurdles or obstacles for the Jews to believe Jesus was Messiah. What are some of the common hurdles or obstacles for people today to believe Jesus is who He says He is? 2. How does the gospel trouble you? 3. Jealousy was a problem here. (Note: Prov.14:30; James 3:16: Mark 7:22)…