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God Provides

God Provides

Escape From Our Boxes | Mark 7:24-30

As Pastor Ron continues our series in the book of Mark, we explore how we can see beyond our own perspective. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. What is the main point of this passage? 2. Explain the exchange between Jesus and the woman. 3. How does “normal life” limit our perspective and opportunity to accept and serve those different from ourselves? 4. Earlier Jesus chided the disciples for their “little” faith. Here Jesus commends this woman for her “great” faith…

Facing Our Limits | Mark 4:35-41

Jesus led His disciples into a storm. What can we learn from this as we face storms in our own life? Listen as Pastor Ron continues our series in Mark. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. What do you think is the main lesson in this story? 2. Does it seem right that Jesus chided the disciples? 3. Why can/cannot fear and faith co-exist? 4. Did the disciples have reason(s) not to fear? Do we when faced with our limits in…

Beyond Our Efforts | Mark 4:26-34

Pastor Ron is starting a new series in the book of Mark called “What We Need, God Provides”. The Lord of the harvest provides all that we need. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. What inspires you to persevere when progress seems painfully slow? 2. Why do we so often try to force things into existence by our sheer efforts? 3. How does the parable of sowing seed underscore God’s sovereignty? 4. What do these parables teach us about how God…