Sermons by Mark Pender
Extending Christmas
Philippians 2:1-13 Discussion Questions: How long do you leave your Christmas lights up? Read John 1:1-14. What similar points can you find between this passage and Philippians 2:6-11? What unique points do you see in John 1? Do you know of other believers who have been good examples of selflessness? Why are they so encouraging to us? Spiritual growth never happens in a straight line. Sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s stagnant or even feels like regression. What’s common to…
Heartburn and Seefood
Luke 24:13-35
Hope Fulfilled | 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:11
Mark Pender encourages us with this message about hope from 1 Thessalonians. Discussion Questions Paul uses a literary technique of contrasts in this section. Some examples – Light contrast Dark, Sober contrast Drunk, Asleep contrast Awake. Is Salvation the contrast of wrath (v9)? Martin L King Jr said “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” How did Paul model this? In what ways have you seen others model this? We’re not the church in Thessalonica, but how…
Sustaining and Enduring Love | 1 Corinthians 13
Mark Pender is a former elder at Cornerstone Congregational Church. He shared a message on love from 1 Corinthians 13. Discussion Questions Reread 1st Corinthians 13:4-7 1st John 4:8 tells us “God is love.” How has God demonstrated one of these facets of love to you? Which facet of love do you think would be most appealing to your unchurched neighbors or coworkers or friends? Who has best exemplified this type of love to you? If you’re willing to share,…
Between | Luke 24:13-35
Between can be a difficult place to be. With it can come uncertainty, anxiety, feelings of being alone, and being out of control. Sometimes you’re pressed between and sometimes stretched between. Between jobs, between relationships, between meds, between homes, between appointments and late, between pastors, between churches. Each of these represents some sort of change – sometimes willful and desired and other times not of our choosing. There is another sense of between – between the way life should be/could…
Resolution Frustration | 2 Corinthians 5:16-18a (New Year’s Sermon)
Good morning and happy new year! I wanted to start out with a favorite childrens’ story that we read when Lucas and Julia were little. It’s from the Frog and Toad series by Arnold Lobel and pretty appropriate when we think about New Years and resolutions. Toad baked some cookies. “These cookies smell very good,” said Toad. He ate one. “And they taste even better,” he said. Toad ran to Frog’s house. “Frog, Frog,” cried Toad, “taste these cookies that…
Open The Eyes of My Heart | Mark 9:21-24
Time of prayer, worship, and hearing a message from Mark Pender on: Mark 9:21-24 (ESV) 21 And Jesus asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. 22 And it has often cast him into fire and into water, to destroy him. But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” 23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” 24…
Rest While You Wait | John 11:1-7
Continuing our series on Rest, Renewal, and Grace, Mark Pender encouraged us to rest and trust in God as we wait on Him. Mark preached on John 11:1-7. Please click here if video does not open above.
Three-Part Testimony | Acts 21:27-22:22 (Jerusalem riot & Paul’s speech)
This morning, I got up thinking about the first time I ever shared my testimony, my story of coming to faith in Christ. In college, I took a spring-break missions trip down to Chinle, Arizona, to the Indian reservation to run a program for kids. I think we must have talked about sharing our testimonies because, on the drive down, I spent time writing my testimony. I wanted to share it, but I didn’t volunteer myself. But a few days…
When The Wall Comes Down | Ezekiel 13:1-14:4
Mark Pender preaches on Ezekiel 13:1-14:4. Please click the video link above. You can also watch it directly through our Facebook page.
Success Factors | 1 Peter 4:7-11
In December I really appreciated Jonathan’s and Andy’s messages on Success. I wanted to build off of those and take a look at how at the individual level we can position ourselves so that Cornerstone can be successful. How can you and I be the types of disciples that glorify God through Cornerstone? I am glad you asked. Slide 2 Our passage today highlights important practices that are powerful, but not new. Prayer, Love, Hospitality, and Exercising Your Spiritual Gifts. …
Where He Leads | Acts 8:26-40 (Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch)
Listen to Mark Pender preach on Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from Acts 8:26-40. You can watch the full service on Facebook or only the sermon on YouTube.
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