"fear" Tagged Sermons
Lord of the Storm | Mark 4:35-41
This Rembrandt painting is called “Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee.” It depicts Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. While most of the painting is black and dark grays and blues, you can see golden-light and light blue skies in the distance. Two thieves disguised as police officers broke into the Isabella Steward Gardner Museum in Boston and stole it in 1990. If you know where it is, let the FBI know. Jesus has…
Awkward Christmas | Matthew 1:18-25 (Shameful Christmas)
One of the annual traditions of the town I grew up in was to host a day-after-Thanksgiving Day parade, which was really a Christmas parade. Now they call it the “Catch the Glow” parade. There were lots of rides and floats, people marching, colorful Christmas decorations. But every year, at the end of the parade, Santa and his reindeer came parading down the main street. It was Santa, and presents, on a slay, on a semi, with fake reindeer. Rudolf…
Part 2. “F” – Faith, Not Fear | Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount)
Did you know that deep in the recesses of our brain is a grape-sized cluster of cells called the amygdala? Our amygdala is a little like the emergency response center of our brain. It is constantly searching for danger, and when it identifies it, it sounds the alarm. Our blood pressure rises, our heartbeat goes up, we go on high alert and get ready for action. The amygdala “activates the fight-or-flight response.”[1] Turn a corner and find a snarling dog;…
Ode to a Donkey | Matthew 21:1-11 (Jesus’ Triumphal Entry)
Today is Palm Sunday, the day the church celebrates Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, only to be crucified by the end of the week. There’s one character in the story of Jesus’ ride into town that has just captured my imagination. This character shares the spotlight with Jesus, but I don’t think we give him or her enough time. Can you guess who I’m talking about?… The donkey! I was reading a book for my Doctorate of…
A Gracious Counterculture | Acts 15:22-35
I wrote this sermon last week on Thursday, the day after the clash at the capitol. You probably watched the news and saw the pictures of journalists and politicians taking cover. I think the image I was most startled by was of the barricaded door into the House Chamber with the five agents with their guns drawn. The glass was broken and in another picture you could see another’s man’s face on the other side of the doorway. These images…
Art & Beauty | Philippians 4:8
When Monica and I are on vacation we spot a contemporary art museum and I always say, “Hey, we should go check that out!” And then when we do go, I always hate it. I’m like, “What is this?!” So I’m preaching on art and beauty today… Let’s pray. I was sitting in one of my classes in seminary when a student raised his hand. I didn’t know this student very well. He was hipster; he wore a beanie to…
Life in the Shadow | Acts 5:12-16
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) put out a graph that’s been going around the internet. It’s called “flattening the curve” and it shows two trajectories. The first trajectory shows what will happen when people don’t take protective measures seriously—when we don’t practice social distancing and hand washing and self-quarantine. It shows a high number of cases overloading our healthcare system, which can lead to high loss of life. This curve is steep and sharp. It looks like a looming…
Outward Courage | Acts 4:1-22
John and David are out back working on the AC Unit. John is a believer and begins to ask David, “Do you go to church?” David explains that he used to go to mass but hasn’t been in years. They talk a little bit about the differences between Catholicism and John’s church, but the details stay high-level. Catholics have priests. Protestants have pastors. Catholics baptize babies. John’s church doesn’t. They don’t talk about any real theological differences. They don’t speak…
Wise Emotions | Proverbs 19:11-12
Emotions are everywhere! You have the ability to express what you are feeling perhaps more easily now than any other period in human history. When I was growing up we had texting, but you had to create the smiley face at the end of your sentence. For example I hope you have a great weekend. 🙂 The person receiving this text was encouraged by your happy little smile. But you could also write this: I hope you have a great…
No Fear November | Philippians 4:6-8
It seems like everyone is afraid this election year. In Philippians 4:6-8, an early Christian named Paul tells us we don’t have to be afraid of anything. The ruler in his time was an emperor named Nero who over the course of his reign murdered lots of people, but Paul was not afraid. Fear leads to two responses: 1) flight or 2) fight, neither of which is loving our neighbor as God intends. If you have a relationship with God,…
Courage, Dear Heart | Matthew 6:25-34
In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus tells us not to live in a state of worry or anxiety. It’s a challenge to all of us as we all fear the future at some level. Long before the movie Frozen came on the scene, Jesus told his followers to “let it go.” The anxieties he calls us to let go are personal, future, and relational (F.E.A.R. = False Expectations Appearing Real). But we don’t just want to let our anxieties go and fill that space with another…