"Gifts" Tagged Sermons

"Gifts" Tagged Sermons

Success Factors | 1 Peter 4:7-11

In December I really appreciated Jonathan’s and Andy’s messages on Success.  I wanted to build off of those and take a look at how at the individual level we can position ourselves so that Cornerstone can be successful.  How can you and I be the types of disciples that glorify God through Cornerstone?  I am glad you asked. Slide 2 Our passage today highlights important practices that are powerful, but not new.  Prayer, Love, Hospitality, and Exercising Your Spiritual Gifts. …

Leadership Gifts | Ephesians 4:7-16

Two weeks ago we learned what it means to live worthy of all the gifts God has given us in Ephesians 4:1-6. We talked about specific steps we can each take: humility, gentleness, patience, and love. Together these steps maintain church unity through the Holy Spirit. But they don’t actually create unity. We are unified by what we believe in, “one Spirit… one Lord… one faith… one God and Father.” So a church is unified by the character of its…