"pastor" Tagged Sermons

"pastor" Tagged Sermons

Pastor Jonathan Romig’s Last Cornerstone Sermon | Deuteronomy 34:1-12 (Moses on Mt. Nebo)

Thank you for calling me to serve as your pastor these last seven years, nine years in the same ministry if you count my time at Immanuel. I love this church, and I love you, and I’m thankful God gave me you. As I was trying to figure out what I should preach for my last sermon, my mentor Sam Kim mentioned this passage. This chapter, the last chapter in Deuteronomy, is also the last chapter of Moses’ life and…

Praise the Storyteller | Psalm 105:1-7

Two weeks ago, Terry Shanahan preached on Psalm 8 a message called “Praise the Creator,” which was really encouraging. I thought it would be good to continue our time in the Psalms with a Psalm of celebration, thanksgiving, and praise that I’ve entitled “Praise the Storyteller.” My hope is that we will look back and see the story God has been writing, and it will draw our hearts to praise and glorify him. Today is not just a day to…