"Psalms" Tagged Sermons

"Psalms" Tagged Sermons

A Service of Confession, Lament, Thanksgiving & Praise | Psalms 80, 12, 111, 145

Login Info Our last Sunday worship service of 2020 is at 10:30am on Zoom. Please join us online at 10:15am for a time of fellowship before the service. ID: 890 5472 7430 P: JesusGrace Introduction Welcome (pastor) Welcome to our worship service. On the last Sunday of the year, we take the opportunity to have a more interactive and participatory service at Cornerstone Congregational Church. This year we are expanding it from a time of thanksgiving and praise to also…

Singing of Christ in the Book of Psalms | Psalm 1 & 2

I.       Introduction: When I ride the subway in Cambridge from time to time, I love to pay attention to the subway ads. Being in an area that is flooded with research universities and major hospitals, there are usually ads for clinical studies or experiments in need of human subjects. For example, here is an ad that I found online for a clinical study at Mass General. They’re testing the effects of LEDs on brain function. So, if you’re…

Pray with your eyes open | Psalm 19

When I sat down to write this sermon, I looked out the window and the urge to write the sermon left me because it was so beautiful outside. The birds were chirping, the sky was blue, the sun was shining, and it felt like spring had finally arrived. I got a powerful urge to go outside and spend a few moments enjoying the sun, and the sky, and the birds before writing my sermon, and so I did, and it…

Hear Us Cry | Psalm 80

Listen to Bernie’s Psalm 80 sermon on how the church is a place where the people of God cry out to God together. You can download Bernie’s sermon manuscript by clicking “Save” and “PDF.” Thanks! Our God and our savior, tonight we cry out to you.  We pray that you would forgive us of our past sins and teach us to be your people, your church.  We thank you for your Son Jesus who died for us that we might…