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Sermons on Joseph

Sermons on Joseph

Grace: Givers & Receivers | Genesis 50:15-21

In the short exchange between Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 50:15-21 we get a glimpse into the hearts of both a GIVER and RECEIVER of GRACE. Today we will try to look at GRACE through the “eyes” of Joseph – one who gives grace and forgiveness to sinners. We will also look at GRACE through the “eyes” of Joseph’s brothers, sinners in need of receiving grace and forgiveness. What is Grace? Simply put, it is God’s free and unmerited favor…

Genesis is a Rescue Story | Genesis 49:8-12

What is the book of Genesis about? Genesis is a rescue story. This sermon summarizes and re-tells the whole-story of Genesis and how it connects to the big story of the Bible. Genesis 49:8-12 tells us Judah was a sinful man who experienced repentance and grace. God chose his line to bring the savior king Jesus Christ, our rescuer.

How To Fix A Broken Relationship | Genesis 42:1-46:30

Genesis 42:1-46:30 gives us hope that any broken relationship, no matter how bad, can be made new. Joseph forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery, but he had to give them a chance to repent. Judah’s true repentance leads to deeply satisfying healing between Joseph and his family. Even the one who didn’t think any good could come out of his own hurt, Joseph’s father Jacob, experiences new life. This is a picture of the gospel and what it…

Through All The Years | Genesis 41:1-57

In Genesis 41:1-57, Pharaoh has two dreams that predict both good years and bad years are coming. He can’t interpret these dreams, but soon discovers a young Hebrew man who can, Joseph. Joseph successfully interprets Pharaoh’s dreams and is promoted to the second highest office in all of Egypt. God brought Joseph through years of trial so that he could lead Egypt through years of hardship. God gives us good and bad years to help others and bless us. *Please…

No Matter The Circumstances | Genesis 39:1-23

In Genesis 39:1-23, Joseph is lead by God into circumstances that don’t seem to make sense. As as a youth, he is sold into slavery by his brothers, and then taken to Egypt and sold to the captain of the guard, a man named Potiphar. At first, things seem to go well for Joseph, but Potiphar’s wife tries to tempt and trap him. Life get’s worse for Joseph before it get’s better. He does the right thing but is condemned…