Sermons on Leadership
Why Serve God? | Malachi 3:13-18
Listen as Pastor Ron continues our series in Malachi, “Why So Apathetic?”. How are we motivated to serve God? Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. Why do you think so many pastors leave the ministry? 2. Why are believers hesitant to step forward to serve the Lord? 3. Has the church fostered a self centered christianity? If so, how? 4. What rewards are there for serving God?
Lack of Leadership | Malachi 2:1-9
In this message from Malachi 2, Pastor Ron explores the great responsibility that comes with biblical leadership. Discussion Questions 1. In light of Malachi 2:1-9 and James 3:1; why are pastor/teachers judged with greater strictness? 2. How can we lend to effective (successful) ministry rather than failure by our pastor? 3. What are the essential responsibilities of a pastor? 4. Why do so many pastors either fail or leave the ministry?
What is a Successful Mission? | Acts 14:1-28
My friend got hired at a retail company to work in their software department. This company does most of their retail online and they use a very specific software to sell their products. My friend has a lot of experience in software and about six months in he recognized that there was a serious problem with this company’s software. The software worked fine, but it had a fatal flaw that left its users personal data vulnerable to theft. The only…
Wise Leadership | Proverbs 31.1-9
Alan can’t for the life of him see why God still has him in this organization. It’s a [cold] place — this big bank — and he’s been thinking about leaving for a while. He’s been brought in to a team that’s being led by a much younger man who right now needs an older [leader] to steady the ship. Alan is that older [leader]. There are 130 in the team, their profitability is plummeting, and their employee engagement numbers…