Sermons on Adultery
Awkward Christmas | Matthew 1:18-25 (Shameful Christmas)
One of the annual traditions of the town I grew up in was to host a day-after-Thanksgiving Day parade, which was really a Christmas parade. Now they call it the “Catch the Glow” parade. There were lots of rides and floats, people marching, colorful Christmas decorations. But every year, at the end of the parade, Santa and his reindeer came parading down the main street. It was Santa, and presents, on a slay, on a semi, with fake reindeer. Rudolf…
The Wrong Path – Adultery | Proverbs 5:1-23; 6:20-35; 7:1-27
Adultery may feel right but it leads to terrible consequences. Understand what’s so tempting about it, how we can avoid it, and why we can be forgiven through Jesus Christ.