Sermons on Identity (Page 2)

Sermons on Identity (Page 2)

Jesus is the Son of God | Matthew 3:13-17

The baptism of Jesus Christ in Matthew 3:13-17 teaches us three key truths: 1) God is a Trinity; 2) Jesus is God’s chosen one; and 3) God loves people. Most of all it teaches us one central truth. Jesus is the God who got into the water with us. Download Pastor Jonathan’s sermon outline above (click Save PDF) or the sermon slides below.

Jesus is King | Matthew 2:1-12

The story of the magi in Matthew 2:1-12 teaches us three different ways to respond to the message of Jesus. We can respond as religious people who don’t need Jesus (chief priests), as non-religious people who don’t like Jesus (Herod), or as gospel people who recognize Jesus is king and worship him (magi). Worship king Jesus this Christmas season. You can listen to the audio or download the sermon outline above (Save PDF). The sermon slides are below and you can…

Jesus is God | Matthew 1:18-25

The author Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew to early Jewish Christians. Some of them were likely asking, “Can I as a Jew become a Christian?” Matthew tells us that is doesn’t matter if you’re religious or non-religious, anyone can come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Jesus came to change lives. He turned Mary and Joseph’s world upside-down and wants to do the same with yours. Jesus is the God who came to change our lives with…
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