Sermons on God's Sovereignty
Beyond Our Efforts | Mark 4:26-34
Pastor Ron is starting a new series in the book of Mark called “What We Need, God Provides”. The Lord of the harvest provides all that we need. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. What inspires you to persevere when progress seems painfully slow? 2. Why do we so often try to force things into existence by our sheer efforts? 3. How does the parable of sowing seed underscore God’s sovereignty? 4. What do these parables teach us about how God…
Does God Care? | Malachi 2:17 – 3:6
Our view of justice may not always align with God’s justice. Listen to this message as Pastor Ron continues his series in Malachi. Watch here Discussion Questions 1. Are there ways and times when we “project” our attitudes and viewpoint upon God? How can we avoid this? 2. Do we sometimes confuse satisfaction with justice? 3. How do we know from this passage that God’s love for us precedes His exacting justice for breaking covenant with Him?
Lack of Leadership | Malachi 2:1-9
In this message from Malachi 2, Pastor Ron explores the great responsibility that comes with biblical leadership. Discussion Questions 1. In light of Malachi 2:1-9 and James 3:1; why are pastor/teachers judged with greater strictness? 2. How can we lend to effective (successful) ministry rather than failure by our pastor? 3. What are the essential responsibilities of a pastor? 4. Why do so many pastors either fail or leave the ministry?
A Mighty Powerful Ministry | Luke 5:17-26
Pastor Ron continues his series on Jesus’ pastoral ministry with a look at His power that goes beyond physical healing. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. How might there be more evidence of the “power of the Lord” in our lives? (consult: Ephesians 3:16, 6:10 and 2Timothy 3:1-5) 2. How important is forgiveness of our sins to us? What evidence is there of its importance in our lives?
A New Start | Exodus 3:1-15
Pastor Ron started a sermon series called “A New Beginning” with a lesson taken from God’s call to Moses. Take-Aways God can initiate a “New Start” on any ordinary day He chooses. We need to retrieve Reverence. Our Past doesn’t disqualify us from a “New Start.” God may initiate a “New Start” in us to prompt a “New Start” in someone else. Discussion Questions 1. According to Ex. 2:23-25 what are the reasons believers who are “groaning” can be hopeful…
God’s Glory Before Us | Psalm 29
Pastor Ron reminds us of God’s glory and how we can glorify God in his first sermon at Cornerstone. Watch Here Discussion Questions 1. Share any instance when you appreciated the Glory of God this past week. 2. Can you cite an instance when God has given you strength and peace as you recognized His glory in a storm of your life? (refer to John 16:33) 3. How are John 1:14 and Luke 8:22-24 related to the lessons of Psalm…
Lord of the Storm | Mark 4:35-41
This Rembrandt painting is called “Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee.” It depicts Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. While most of the painting is black and dark grays and blues, you can see golden-light and light blue skies in the distance. Two thieves disguised as police officers broke into the Isabella Steward Gardner Museum in Boston and stole it in 1990. If you know where it is, let the FBI know. Jesus has…
Trust the Pilot | Acts 27:1-44
Flight 5220 took off “from Magadan Airport, just north of the Sea of Okhotsk in far eastern Russia” this last December.[1] Shortly after takeoff, the airplane threw its almost 200 passengers down, then up, and the plane dove, then recovered. One aviation website reports, “Picture one of those terrible C-grade Hollywood movies that show an airliner out of control, with baggage bins coming open, carry-ons floating through the cabin and oxygen masks dropping. It was that kind of awful. And…
CHRIST OVER COVID | Matthew 8:14-17
A plague hit Rome from 249 to 262 AD. This plague lasted 13 years. Our pandemic has been a week and a half and we’re already going crazy. Can you imagine what that was like? Historians have studied this plague and it was bad, real bad. I don’t want to describe it to you but if you look up the Plague of Cyprian you can read all the details. It killed about 5,000 people a day. The city of Alexandria…