Great Things
Psalm 126 Discussion Questions: 1) What is one great thing you’ve seen God do in your life? 2) What is one great thing you’ve seen God do at Cornerstone? 3) What is one seemingly hopeless situation in your life that you’re praying God would turn around?
Living Under the Scepter of the Wicked
Psalm 125 Discussion Questions: 1) When you see and experience the scepter of the wicked on the land, who are you most tempted to put your trust in (other than God) to stand firm? Why is that so dangerous? 2) Read 2 Kings 6:8-23. What does this story teach us about God’s protection? Do we learn anything about how to treat the wicked in this passage?
If the Lord Had Not Been for Us
Psalm 124
Lord Have Mercy
Psalm 123 Discussion Questions: 1) Is there a time in your life when you’ve felt like the Psalmist feels in Psalm 123? 2) Is it ever tempting to think that God doesn’t want to show you mercy? Why? 3) How have you personally experienced the Lord’s mercy?
Joy in the House of the Lord
Psalm 122 Discussion Questions: What’s something that you get excited about that has no eternal significance? (If you’re married, think about how your spouse would answer this question for you!) What keeps you from experiencing excitement and joy as you come into the house of the Lord? Who is someone in your life who has exuded joy as they’ve gathered with other believers? Why do you think they did?
Lift Your Eyes Up to the Hill
Psalm 121 Discussion Questions: 1) Where are some wrong places you are tempted to look for help when trouble comes? How have they let you down? 2) If you had a powerful, wise, good, loving bodyguard helping and protecting you all the time—day and night—how would that change the way you lived? Why don’t we live that way as Christians? How can we live that way more than we do?
Pride Rots In Winter
Psalm 120
Extending Christmas
Philippians 2:1-13 Discussion Questions: How long do you leave your Christmas lights up? Read John 1:1-14. What similar points can you find between this passage and Philippians 2:6-11? What unique points do you see in John 1? Do you know of other believers who have been good examples of selflessness? Why are they so encouraging to us? Spiritual growth never happens in a straight line. Sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s stagnant or even feels like regression. What’s common to…
One Crooked Family Tree
Matthew 1:1-17 Discussion Questions: 1) Read Psalm 51—what do we learn from David about how we should view our sin from this Psalm? Does this shed any light on why God calls David “a man after my own heart” in Acts 13:22? 2) Must we reach a certain level of sanctification before God uses us to accomplish His purposes? If not, does anything change about how God uses us as we grow in sanctification?
The Crux of the Matter
Galatians 6:11-18 Discussion Questions: 1) How can we be more boastful in the cross of Christ? What should that boasting look like? 2) When in your life have you been most boastful in the cross? 3) Does persecution for boasting in the cross happen in 21st century America?
Fulfilling the Law of Christ
Galatians 6:1-10 Discussion Questions: 1) What makes it difficult for us to allow other people to help carry our burdens? 2) Is there a burden that you’re carrying today that you’d like to share? How can we help you carry it? 3) Why is it so important to “be spiritual” as we carry the burdens of our fellow believers (or anyone else)?
Keeping in Step with the Spirit
Galatians 5:16-26 Discussions Questions: 1) How can you see the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life? Is there an attribute that doesn’t come naturally to you that you’ve especially seen God’s Spirit grow in you? 2) How can we help the fruit of the Spirit grow in each other’s lives?