Sermons (Page 8)

Sermons (Page 8)

Egalitarianism | Galatians 3:28; 1 Timothy 2:8-15

Today, we’re jumping back into our three sermons looking at complementarianism, egalitarianism, and a hybrid view of women in ministry (complementarian in the home, egalitarian in the church). Last week, we looked at complementarianism, which generally believes God only calls men to preach and serve as elders, starting with 1 Timothy 2:8-3:7. Today, we’re looking at egalitarianism, which believes that God calls both men and women to preach, serve as elders, and serve in ordained pastoral ministry. Next week we’re…

Complementarianism | 1 Timothy 2:8-3:7

Today in our Women in the Kingdom series we’re diving into the text so many go to when deciding the role of women in the church. 1 Timothy 2:12 says, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man…” We look at that verse, we equate teaching with preaching and holding authority with being an elder. That is one way to interpret the text, and it’s called complementarianism. For the next three weeks, including…

Mary Magdalene and the Gardener | John 20:1-18 (Easter Sermon by a Woman)

Jesus found Mary Magdalene when she was lost, He gave her a new direction, He told her to find others. If you are feeling lost this morning, Jesus has found you. He wants to give you a purpose. He wants us to help the lost people in our lives. Mary Magdalene was lost. Not physically, but emotionally. We don’t know much about her from the text. The idea that she was a prostitute or secretly married Jesus – that’s not…

The Bethany Sisters | Luke 10:38-42; John 11:28-34; 12:1-8

Martha is hard at work preparing for dinner in the kitchen. She is dicing the carrots, washing the salad, and setting the table with her very best wedding china, which she’s only used 2-3 times before. She got a roast from the local butcher, but she’s having trouble keeping her eye on it. She’s just too busy, and she’s worried it’s going to burn. And if it burns, dinner will be ruined, and all her guests in the very next…

New Testament Survey of Women | Romans 16:1-7

Andy Bradshaw preached on women in the New Testament this morning. You can watch the full service on Facebook or only the sermon on YouTube. You can check out our full Women in the Kingdom sermon series here and access some of our resources on women in ministry here. Discussion Questions: 1. Are you celebrating/commemorating lent (the 40/46 days leading up to Easter) in order to prepare for Easter? If so, how? 2. Please share any prayer requests or praises?…

Old Testament Survey of Women | Judges 4:4-7

Andy Bradshaw preaches a survey of women throughout the Old Testament in this second sermon in our Women in the Kingdom sermon series. You can watch the sermon only on Youtube, or the whole church service on Facebook. You can find more sermons, articles, and books on women in ministry here. If you’re looking for a sermon recommendation, try Suzy Silk’s in-depth overview of women throughout the Old and New Testaments. Her message is a good match to what Andy…

Priests & Kings | Genesis 1-3 (Women in Ministry Sermon Series: Co-Ruling in the Kingdom)

As I was preparing for this message, I remembered James Brown and Betty Newsome’s song, It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World (take on mad mad mad world). The first half of the song goes like this: You see, man made the cars to take us over the road Man made the train to carry the heavy load Man made electric light to take us out of the dark Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark…

Lessons Learned in Acts | Acts 28:11-31 (End of Acts)

We started our series in Acts on January 5th, 2020. Acts is the first big book that we’ve covered in its entirety. Today is our 56th sermon in this series, Outward Church. How do you feel? Has anything changed in your life, in our church’s life? The question, as we come to a close, is twofold. 1) What did we learn? 2) And what are we doing about it? The heartbeat of Acts is missions. Jesus outlined the book in…

A Great Big Snake Story | Acts 28:1-10; 1 Samuel 17 (David & Goliath the Serpent)

Elijah really likes The Jungle Book. One of the characters in that story is a really big and sneaky snake named Kaa. He’s a python, and he’s famous for his colorful, hypnotic eyes and his ability to put Mowgli into a trance. He nearly catches and eats Mowgli, but Mowgli escapes. Snakes are a part of popular culture, from Indiana Jones to Harry Potter to the movie, Anaconda, and Snakes on a Plane (neither of which I’ve seen). But, our…

Trust the Pilot | Acts 27:1-44

Flight 5220 took off “from Magadan Airport, just north of the Sea of Okhotsk in far eastern Russia” this last December.[1] Shortly after takeoff, the airplane threw its almost 200 passengers down, then up, and the plane dove, then recovered. One aviation website reports, “Picture one of those terrible C-grade Hollywood movies that show an airliner out of control, with baggage bins coming open, carry-ons floating through the cabin and oxygen masks dropping. It was that kind of awful. And…

Always Be Prepared | Acts 25:23-26:32 (How to outline my testimony)

A couple of years ago, Monica and I went through this brief stent where we were really into TV shows about preppers, people who are prepared for disaster. We’d watch these shows, and it would always go like this. “Katie lives in downtown Salt Lake City, but she’s been stockpiling canned goods, dried food, and has a bug-out bag ready to go if she needs to leave in a hurry. Katie is afraid that the famous salt-lake city volcano could…