Sermons from July 2019
The Wrong Path – Adultery | Proverbs 5:1-23; 6:20-35; 7:1-27
Adultery may feel right but it leads to terrible consequences. Understand what’s so tempting about it, how we can avoid it, and why we can be forgiven through Jesus Christ.
The Wisdom of Discipleship | Proverbs 4:1-27
My college pastor, Andrew Davies, took an interest in my spiritual growth. He met up with me for lunch, we did a Bible study together with some other guys, he listened to my concerns and prayed for me, he lead me on a missions trip to Chinle Arizona, and he paid for my plane ticket to go to a Christian conference in Seattle. He invested in me and he mentored me. He became one of my spiritual fathers. A spiritual…
Peace That Lasts | Proverbs 3:13-35
Do you sleep well at night? No? Anxious? Worrying over something or someone? We all need peace. We need a peace that lasts. Proverbs connects wisdom with peace, but also something else… the tree of life.
A Wise Future | Proverbs 3:1-12
Last week we celebrated our high-school graduates Caleb, George, and Mackenna. When I surprised them by asking for one things we could pray for them George asked for prayer that it would all “end well.” Now we weren’t exactly sure what that meant—the end of college, the end of life? But I think he meant successfully wrap up the end of this stage of his life and smoothly transition into the next stage, college. I remember one of the things…