Sermons from January 2025

Sermons from January 2025

Lord Have Mercy

Psalm 123 Discussion Questions: 1) Is there a time in your life when you’ve felt like the Psalmist feels in Psalm 123? 2) Is it ever tempting to think that God doesn’t want to show you mercy? Why? 3) How have you personally experienced the Lord’s mercy?

Joy in the House of the Lord

Psalm 122   Discussion Questions: What’s something that you get excited about that has no eternal significance? (If you’re married, think about how your spouse would answer this question for you!) What keeps you from experiencing excitement and joy as you come into the house of the Lord? Who is someone in your life who has exuded joy as they’ve gathered with other believers? Why do you think they did?  

Lift Your Eyes Up to the Hill

Psalm 121   Discussion Questions:   1) Where are some wrong places you are tempted to look for help when trouble comes? How have they let you down? 2) If you had a powerful, wise, good, loving bodyguard helping and protecting you all the time—day and night—how would that change the way you lived? Why don’t we live that way as Christians? How can we live that way more than we do?