Sermons from February 2025

Sermons from February 2025


Psalm 127 Discussion Questions:   1) Can you think of a time when you were building something in vain? How did you realize it? What did you do about it? 2) Can you think of a time you accomplished something that could only have been done with God’s help? 3) Are you prone to doing too much or too little? How can we know what good works God has prepared for us? (Ephesians 2:10)

Great Things

Psalm 126 Discussion Questions: 1) What is one great thing you’ve seen God do in your life? 2) What is one great thing you’ve seen God do at Cornerstone? 3) What is one seemingly hopeless situation in your life that you’re praying God would turn around?  

Living Under the Scepter of the Wicked

Psalm 125 Discussion Questions: 1) When you see and experience the scepter of the wicked on the land, who are you most tempted to put your trust in (other than God) to stand firm? Why is that so dangerous? 2) Read 2 Kings 6:8-23. What does this story teach us about God’s protection? Do we learn anything about how to treat the wicked in this passage?