'frontline' Tagged Posts (Page 3)
The Problem with Elevating Pastoral Ministry Above Other Ministries – “What Ministry Might That Be?”
Several years ago I was sitting in the pew on Sunday morning at historic All Souls Church in central London listening to John Stott preach. To illustrate a point, he recounted a conversation with a friend of his. Apparently John’s friend had shared with him some news about a mutual acquaintance, explaining that this person had recently gone into “the ministry.” John then replied, “What ministry might that be?” John’s friend was confused by the question, particularly from such an…
Between Two Worlds: In But Not Of the World
In my last post I wrote about running, so I thought I’d continue with that theme today. Whenever I go for a jog, I like to listen to praise music. Unfortunately, on one occasion when I popped in the earbuds, one of them didn’t work. I tried to fiddle with it, but nothing helped. At first I was somewhat annoyed by this, as I was hoping to have a wonderful time running and praising God (silently of course!). Once I…
Crossing the Finish Line – God’s Story & Your Everyday Frontline
I could barely make out the finish line approaching in the distance. As I strained my eyes down Boylston Street, I reflected on how many runners had made a similar journey before me – how I was literally following in their footsteps. Yet as I crossed the line of Boston’s historic marathon, there was no moment of elation. No sense of accomplishment. Why? Well, I had not actually run the Boston marathon that day. I was merely running an errand. …
Jiro Dreams of Sushi – Christian Faith & Work Discussion Questions
Please use these questions to discuss the 2001 documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi from a Christian perspective. They are meant to help us all better integrate our faith and work. Questions 1) At the beginning of the movie, Jiro Ono says, “Once you decide on your occupation… you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret…
The Co-Missioned Church Series
The Co-Missioned Church Series Trailer from Chris Lake on Vimeo. Check out the trailer for The Co-Missioned Church Series by Chris Lake with the Vere Institute. Pastor Jonathan, Doreen, and our whole Cornerstone church got to participate in its making.
Workplace Commission
Leader (to congregation): Today we are commissioning anyone in our church who desires to dedicate their professional life to the Lord. In Scripture, we worship the Lord not just through prayer and song and the things we do at church, but through our everyday lives, including the time we spend and the things we do in our workplaces. 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (NIV) …
Mission Matters Sermon by Neil Hudson | Luke 10:1-20
Pastor Neil Hudson gave a sermon on mission to our frontlines at Park Street Church in downtown Boston. He works with the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) to equip pastors and churches to reach out to their frontlines. Your frontline is the place where you naturally spend time with your friends who don’t know Jesus yet, like your office, the library, the coffee shop, Holidays with family, or even the grocery store. I think you will find this sermon…
Frontline Stories Presentation
At Cornerstone, we encourage everyone to view their workplaces, hobbies, families, neighbors, and friends as their frontlines. A frontline is the place where you interact the most with non-Christians. We love it when people from our congregation share what God is doing on their frontlines. This allows us to see what God is doing outside of our four walls and gives us an opportunity to pray for what God is doing there. Please review the article Frontline Stories Explained and the following…
Book Recommendation: Fruitfulness on the Frontline
This Saturday, October 1st, we’re starting an eight-week series called Fruitfulness on the Frontline. The inspiration for this series is the book Fruitfulness on the Frontline: Making a difference where you are by Mark Greene. The great news is that the Cornerstone leadership team has ordered a copy for every person in our church who wants to read it. So if you come to church this Saturday, you’ll receive your free copy! Please enjoy. – Pastor Jonathan *If you find this recommendation a bit…
Frontline Stories Explained
In the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus taught his disciples to “make disciples” as they were “going, baptizing, and teaching.” He called his followers to do this not in a foreign country, but in Galilee, their hometown. Today he calls us to our Galilees, to reach the lost next-door, our frontlines. Although this is hard, Jesus promises his mission will succeed. What is a frontline? “Your Frontline is the place where you spend the majority of your time outside…
Saturday Worship Explained
We originally published this article on January 4th, 2016 as an explanation of why we chose to have our weekly worship service on Saturday afternoons. In September 2019 we are transitioning to Sunday mornings to better focus on discipleship as a church. If you are wrestling with the theology of Sunday worship or what day of the week you should worship on please read this article as well as The Lord’s Day: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Foundations for Sunday Worship…