'youth' Tagged Posts
25 Questions with Mackenna Platteel – Youth Ministry Intern
Pastor Jonathan asks Mackenna Platteel 25 questions, our brand new Youth Ministry Intern. So happy to have you serving at Cornerstone!
Lucas Pender: A Personal Relationship with God
Hello, my name is Lucas Pender and this is my first year at Camp TED. I’m 15 years old and live outside of Boston, Massachusetts. I grew up in a Christian home and always knew about Jesus or at least heard His name. I always went to church on Sundays, prayed to God, and knew all the answers in Sunday school. I remember my Sunday school teacher teaching us about heaven and hell and I knew for a fact that…
France Team Fundraiser
The France team (which includes teenagers from Immanuel and Cornerstone) is fundraising for the trip. We are available for hire on Saturdays and Sundays in April/May. Anything from yard work to house cleaning to babysitting, a group of teenagers would be happy to help! Contact Monica (monica@cornerstonewestford.com) for more information or to schedule a work day.