Past Events (Page 2)

Past Events (Page 2)

Here are some of our past Cornerstone events. You can find upcoming events here.

Nov 18, 2023

Women’s Night Out

Enjoy a Night out with Women, food and fellowship. Meet at Tavern in the Square in Littleton
Nov 11, 2023

Youth Picnic and Hike

Youth Picnic and Hike … Bring a friend and a lunch.
Nov 10, 2023

Men’s Movie Night

Come, watch Jesus Revolution with Men from Cornerstone … bring a friend!
Oct 21, 2023

Men’s Fire Pit

Men’s Fire Pit at the Bradshaws’. Saturday, October 21st at 7pm
Oct 15, 2023

Youth Pumpkin Carving

Come Carve your pumpkin with the youth of Cornerstone Church! Sunday, October 15, following the Service.
Oct 14, 2023

Women’s Fire Pit

Come fellowship with other women around a fire … bring a friend!
Oct 14, 2023

Blood Drive

Come and give blood with the Red Cross! October 14th from 9am-2pm
Sep 29, 2023

Men’s Hike

Hike Monadnock with the Men of Cornerstone. Friday, September 29 Meet at the Bradshaw’s at 9am
Sep 22 – 23, 2023

Youth Lock-in

Come out and have fun and fellowship, all youth are invited – grades 6-12.
Sep 23, 2023

Women’s Hike

Join us for a Hike up Mount Wachusett. Don’t Hike? Drive up the Access Road instead.
Aug 11, 2023

Women’s Movie Night

Come watch Jesus Revolution with the Women of Cornerstone … bring a friend!